From Ken Adachi, Editor
People from around the world contact me and usually have something interesting to say. I'll try to post as many letters as I can as time goes by. The health experiences of readers using natural protocols is especially worth reviewing. I'll title the letters as best I can and list them according to date, starting with the most recent. First you'll read the letter and then my response (if appropriate). This is the place to express your thoughts if you wish others to read it, but I'm not posting any vulgarity or hate stuff (unless it's too funny to resist, of course).
Reader's "Question Regarding the state of the USA" (Jan. 9, 2019) ...etc
Received a Nice Thankyou Note Today (Feb. 5, 2017) ...etcReader Question on the Value of Ascorbate as the Preferred Form of Vitamin C (Dec. 28, 2016) ...etc
Email from Australia: Jim Stone, Fukushima Nukes and Plagiarism (Jan. 30, 2016) ...etc.
Christian Zionist Has a Few Questions (Oct. 7, 2015) ...etc.
"Why, out of curiousity, do you promote all the homophobic stuff from Makow et al? " (Oct. 2, 2015) ...etc.
Planet X, The Hoax That Never Dies (Sept. 20, 2015)
Mr Scarecrow's Letter to the Editor (Sept. 2, 2015)
Implants and Attitude (Sept. 2, 2015)
Letter Questioning the Reliability of Leuren Moret (March 2, 2015)
You and your web site are going to be reported" (Feb. 15, 2015)
Texas CPS: Destroying Mothers, One Child at a Time (Dec. 12, 2014)
Educational Links for Kids (Sept. 18, 2014)
Curious About Psychedelic Drugs (Jan. 8, 2014)
Cult of Mirrors by Cheryl Praetum (August 4, 2013)
Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy is Outdated: Replace with CDS Water (July 30, 2013)
Profile Interview (April 21, 2013)
"Non-Profits" With Globalist Names (April 15, 2013)
Etheric Warriors and Ken Adachi (April 12, 2013)
"Preparing for Collapse" (Feb. 8, 2013)
Horowitz Gone Nuts (Feb. 7, 2013)
Worried About a Satanic Nuke Event in Phoenix on Christmas Day (Dec. 7, 2012)
Did Electronic Voting Fraud Defeat California's Prop 37 (labeling of GMO foods)?
Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy is Outdated: Replace with CDS Water (July 30, 2013)
Profile Interview (April 21, 2013)
"Non-Profits" With Globalist Names (April 15, 2013)
Etheric Warriors and Ken Adachi (April 12, 2013)
"Preparing for Collapse" (Feb. 8, 2013)
Horowitz Gone Nuts (Feb. 7, 2013)
Worried About a Satanic Nuke Event in Phoenix on Christmas Day (Dec. 7, 2012)
Did Electronic Voting Fraud Defeat California's Prop 37 (labeling of GMO foods)?
Concerned American (Dec. 4, 2012)
Reader Questions Regarding Kevin Annett, Alfred Webre, & Eric Jon Phelps (Dec. 2, 2012)
Worried Reader Fears Gun Confiscation in America Is Inevitable (Nov. 31, 2012)
"I am writing to know whether the information on this website is credible?" (Nov. 29, 2012)
Aurora Shooting & Gun Control Propaganda (Oct. 2, 2012)
The Wrongness of US Police Training by Israeli Companies (Sep. 27, 2012)
"Evidence of Chemtrails" (Sep. 27, 2012)
Sibyl Haynes: The Art History of the World (Sep 26, 2012)
Mother Concerned About Children's TV Programs and Jehovah's Witness History (Sep. 26, 2012)
More on Jim Stone re. Aurora Shooting Hypothesis and NSA Counter Intelligence (Sep. 23, 2012)
Why Is Starbucks Blocking Internet Access to (Sep. 21, 2012)
Jim Stone & James Farganne (Sep. 19, 2012)
Interesting Blog: Very Dumb Government by Walter Allen Thompson (Sep. 11, 2012)
More Comments on ZS Livingstone from Tim Hicks (Sep. 3, 2012)
A Brief Commentary on ZS Livingstone (Sep. 3, 2012)
Born Again Deliverance (August 31, 2012)
"I need to become smart" (August 27, 2012)
"Public Health Research Project" (and a Day at the Racetrack) August 26, 2012
"Which groups/organizations can I really trust and are not fronts?" (August 24, 2012)
Curing Herpes Without the Use of Drugs (August 20, 2012)
Concerned About the UN Convention Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) (August 20, 2012)
Sincere Christians Need to Wake Up to the NWO Takeover (August 10, 2012)
Military Spraying Chemtrails over San Jose, California (July 25, 2012)
Concerned About TV Evangelicals Flashing the Devil Hand Sign (July 18, 2012)
John McCormack Relays Plight of The Nez Perce Indian Tribe (July 16, 2012)
Citizens Against Government Intrusion Needs a Membership Drive (July 13, 2012)
Berkeley Psychic Institute in Santa Rosa, California (July 11, 2012)
"I have been a resident and victim of Santa Clara County CPS for 21 years" (July 11, 2012)
'That Ole Black Magic Has Me in Its Spell' (July 8, 2012)
Brief Debate with a Chemtrail Skeptic (July 2, 2012)
Dr. Courtney Brown & the Big Asteroid Hit in 2013 (July 2, 2012)
Dr Steven Greer (July 2, 2012)
Are Weaponized Rabies, Cannibalism, and Chemtrails Connected? (July 2, 2012)
New Web Site: Break The (June 9, 2012)
Nazis? Oh, Come On! (May 22, 2012)
The End is Near, the Movie (well, maybe) May 18, 2012
As humanity becomes more aware, our future changes for the better (May 4, 2012)
Allergic Reaction to Propylene Glycol, Common Additive (April 22, 2012)
Identity Exchange (March 28, 2012)
Two Great Speeches Recommended by Keith Howe (March 16, 2012)
Exploiting Hospital Patients' Right to Privacy (March 16, 2012)
"I have a few questions for you about all of this" (March 16, 2012)
Magnificent Dragon Sylph Photographed Over St. Cloud, Minnesota, March 12, 2012 (March 12, 2012)
Rense v. Makow (March 12, 2012)
Fighting Fluoride Water Blinders in Wisconsin and Intelligently Fighting the NWO (March 8, 2012)
Infant Vaccinations (March 6, 2012)
"Important that you respond" Feb. 28, 2012)
Any Good Forums for Learning About the New World Order? (Feb. 15, 2012)
Reports of Strange Noises: Is Earth Groaning? (Feb. 8, 2012)
Driving: A 'Privledge' or a Right? (Jan. 14, 2012)
Simon says: Population Control (Jan. 2, 2012)
Fritz Springmeier's Video on Mind Control at 1997 Florida Conference (Dec. 27, 2011)
Ohio Mental Hospitals & Dark Side Cops Betray Citizens with Secret Technology (Dec. 27, 2011)
Looking for Natural Healing of HIV at Clinics Outside of America (Dec. 26, 2011)
A Letter from England: The Meaning of Christmas (Dec. 26, 2011)
S-1867 (Natl Defense Auth. Act FY 2012) Constitutional Betrayal of American Citizens (Dec. 23, 2011)
Skeptical About Claims Made Concerning Colloidal Silver Generator Design (Dec. 19, 2011)
Transformative Encounter with Reptilian and Gray Aliens Seeking Healing & Renewal (Dec. 10. 2011)
Ron Paul, The Goldbug (Dec. 7, 2011)
Breathing Negativity (Dec. 7, 2011)
Questions on Hydrogen Peroxide Nasal Mist for COPD and Addressing Juvenile Diabetes (Dec. 6, 2011)
Morgellons in Australia (Dec. 5, 2011)
Steve Explains How to File Your Vaccine Exemption Form in Texas (Dec. 5, 2011)
Reader Comments on S-1867, the National Defense Authorization Act (FY2012) (Dec. 5, 2011)
Ron Paul & the 2012 Election (Dec. 5, 2011)
Time to Get Out of Dodge? (Dec. 5, 2011)
Orgone Generators, Chemtrails & Sylphs : "What total baloney" (Dec. 4, 2011)
S-1867 and The Coming Fourth Reich (Dec. 4, 2011)
Comments on Spiritualism Guide (Nov. 29, 2011)
Fighting Latent herpes Infection (Nov. 27, 2011)
"You've got Hate Mail!" (Nov. 27, 2011)
World Net Daily (Nov. 24, 2011)
The Alamo Spirit Lives: 'Required' Vaccine Neutered with Exemption Form (Nov. 17, 2011)
Reader Pleasantly Surprised by Thrive Film (Nov. 16, 2011)
Jim Sets Ken Straight on Salt Solutions (Nov. 11, 2011)
"Thrive" ~ Another Slick Propaganda 'Documentary' to Net Premiere on 11/11/11?
More Conversation on 528 Hz, The 'Love' Frequency, Part 2 (Oct. 19, 2011)
The Roman Catholic Church and Pedophiles in the News (Oct. 19, 2011)
Note from Jeffrey on the Dangers of Contacting the US Goverment About Anything (Oct. 19, 2011)
Question about Jehovah's Witness (Oct. 16, 2011)
Scripture Verses to think about regarding Mind Control and the Illuminati (Oct. 16, 2011)
528 Hz, The 'Love' Frequency (Oct. 14, 2011)
Ozone or Peroxide for Dental Pain? (Oct. 12, 2011)
Thnuder Bay, Ontario Canada: Chemtrail Spraying is Down, but Demons Active (Oct. 12, 2011)
Premium Gifts Questions (Oct. 10,.2011)
Child Protective Services in Fort Worth Texas (Oct. 10, 2011)
The Virginia Underground 'Hit' Reported as an Earthquake (Oct. 6, 2011)
Beautiful Photographs of a Rare Black Fawn (Oct. 6, 2011)
Interpretation of Revelations (Oct. 5, 2011)
Steve Jobs- "faked" death? (Oct. 6, 2011)
'Tavistock' Censorship in Play? (Oct. 5, 2011)
Root Canals: Saga of a Slow Learner (Oct. 5, 2011)
William Coates, aka Adolf Hitler (Oct. 5, 2011)
Growing Evidence that Chemtrail Spraying is Waning in Many Areas (Oct. 4, 2011)
Social Security, Entitlement Benefits? (Oct. 4, 2011)
The Rockefeller and Warner Family Connection (Oct. 2, 2011)
Silent Epidemic of Hypothyroidism Typ[e 2 and Resultant Adrenal Exhaustion (Sep. 29. 2011)
Jewish Involvement in NWO (Sep. 26, 2011)
Downside of Copper Electrode (or Penny) Zapper v. Silver Electrode Mini Terminator (Sep. 23, 2011)
Flight 800 and 9/11 Are Connected (Sep. 11, 2011)
A Note from TERRY re. The Body Snatchers (Sep. 6, 2011)
Really I'm just musing...(Sep. 6, 2011)
'You're Back!' : Dealing with Agent Provacateurs, Liars, and Nervous Nellie Servers (Sep. 2, 20110
Telepath Goes to Hospital for Help, But Gets Victimized Instead (Sep. 1, 2011)
Zeitgeist Refuted ~ Refuted ! (Aug. 31, 2011)
Invisibility Technology Being Used over Gatwick Ariport in the UK? (Aug. 31, 2011)
Is Hydrogen Peroxide Similar to MMS (Sodium Chlorite)? (Aug. 30, 2011)
New Orleans Voo Doo Photo (Aug. 28, 2011)
On Bursting Bubbles of Illusion (Aug. 127, 2011)
Linguist Comes to Recognize the Real Noam Chomsky (Aug. 27, 2011)
Mysterious Rumbling Sound Heard Over Georgia on August 25, 2011 (Aug. 27, 2011)
Defusing Hurricane Irene with the Power of Thought (Aug. 27, 2011)
A Case Against Money (Aug. 26, 2011)
Congestive Heart Failure (Aug. 26, 2011)
Questions About the Mini Silver Terminator (MST) (Aug. 12, 2011)
Sherri Kane Secretly Tapes Lenny Horowitz on Christmas Day, 2010 (Aug. 9. 2011)
"So red one or blu one?" (Aug. 7, 2011)
Thailand's Future & the NWO (July 25, 2011)
Letter from Andy on Defeating the NWO ( July 22, 2011)
How can I shield my Smart meter? (July 15, 2011)
In Defence of Saint Yahonnan and the Gospel of Asia Empire (July 13, 2011)
There Are None So Blind (July 12, 2011)
Hospitals & Health Insurance Do Not Bring Health~ Only Knowledge Can Do That (July 11, 2011)
"Obama’s Attempt to Promote Terrorist Immigration To The United States" (July 11, 2011)
India's New 'RAW' (Criminals In Action) & the NWO's Depopulation Targets (July 7, 2011)
Nice Letter from an Abiding Englishman (July 5, 2011)
New Lobsang Rampa Discussion Group Announced (July 5, 2011)
Threat of New World Order (July 5, 2011)
Submitting an Essay (July 3, 2011)
Laughter: A Vital Element of Life (June 30, 2011)
Dr. Steven Greer etc (June 29, 2011)
June 23, 2011 Radio Show with ZSL, Don Nicoloff, & Ken Adachi (June 26,2011)
Robert.Bienenfeld on Ted Gunderson (June 11, 2011)
The Cancer Odyssey by Margaret Brennan Bermel (June 6, 2011)
Kerry Cassidy, Bill Ryan, and Project Camelot (June 5, 2011)
The Power of Prayer~ Letter from Istanbul (June 5, 2011)
Orgone Accumulator v. Orgone Generator (June 5, 2011)
Orly Taitz's Subpoena to Show Barry's Non-existent Birth Certificate Is Gaining Steam (June 3, 2011)
Cincinnati/N.Ky Worm Die-off Related to Scalar Heating? (June 3, 2011)
"Be a police officer for a day" (Police TASERS) June 2, 2011
Dr. Bill Deagle (May 31, 2011)
FBI Releases UFO Files (Aliens Are Coming! Pysops Getting Closer) May 29, 2011
Planet X & ZetaTalk Again (May 29, 2011)
APMEX Rips Off Faithful Customer with $285 Fee for Not Sending in Check (May 27, 2011)
Adrenal Burn Out (May 27, 2011)
The Joplin Tornado (May 26, 2011)
Len Horowitz, John DeCamp, Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, and the Games People Play (May 26, 2011)
Music Video Highlights Anti-NWO Theme (May 23, 2011)
Rejecting The Zetatalk Psyop (May 23, 2011)
Mississipi Flooding Part of Weather Manipulation? (May 20, 2011)
New 2 Gallon Chembuster Owner Pleased with Results (May 19, 2011)
FEMA Plastic Coffin Psyop (May 16, 2011)
Zeta Talk, Planet X, & The Pole Shift Rocky Horror Show (Updated May 15, 2011) "You were right"
Chem-plane Blinks Out of View & Black Chopper Shows Up (May 10, 2011)
Comments on the Galactic Federation & The Approach of 2012 (May 10, 2011)
Moonies Soliciting Relief Donations for Japan Victims (May 9, 2011)
Ron Paul (& Notes on Working from the Bottom Up) (May 9, 2010)
Osama and Conspiracy Theories (May 5, 2011)acy
Osama and Copnspiracy Theories (May 5, 2011)
Healing Anaya (April 19, 2011)
Illuminati Plans to Blow Up Earth on Dec. 21, 2012 (April 10 2011)
Suffering from CRPS Pain Syndrome, and Dependence on Drug Pain Killers (April 8, 2011)
The Venus Project (April 7, 2011)
Questions on Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy (April 6, 2011)
Japan Radiation Hype: Those Who Pump It & Those Who Believe It (April 6, 2011)
New Horizons in Energy Racketering (April 6, 2011)
Middle Eastern Muslim Wife on Family Harmony and Spiritual Protection (Inspiring) April 5, 2011
Is David Icke the 'Scion' of John D. Rockefeller? (April 1, 2011)
Masaru Emoto's Prayer to Transmute Contaminated Water at Fukushima Nuclear Facility (Mar. 31, 2011)
Medicines of Light: Protection and Healing from Radiation Poisoning (March 30, 2011)
Homeopathic Imprinter Maker (& Son) Poisoned at San Diego Health Expo; Later Died (Mar. 30, 2011)
Letter to the Editor (Mar. 29, 2011)
Humanity Itself Is Not The Problem (March 29, 2011)
Michio Kaku: Science Guru or NWO Propagandist? (March 27, 2011)
"Beneficient Aliens Questioned" (March 27, 2011)
Dr. Henry Niman: Rabid Propagandist, Alarmist, Pharmaceutical Shill (March 27, 2011)
Radiation Monitors Concerns NWO Sellout Barbara Boxer. Wonder Why? (March 26, 2011)
End Times Advice (March 25, 2011)
"What do you think of the uprisings in the Middle East?" (Mar. 22, 2011)
Informative Video Shorts on The Strawman and Project Blue Beam (Mar. 21, 2011
Higher Dimensional Teachings (March 15, 2011)
Lots of FEMA Train Cars Spotted in Seattle, Washington, on Mar. 10. 2011 (March 10, 2011)
Message of Peace from Pakistan (Mar. 10, 2011)
The Question of Chemtrail Spraying over China (Mar. 7, 2011)
Telltale Footprint of HAARP Manipulation in Spawning Nebraska Tornadoes (Mar. 1, 2011)
Comments on Mark Philips & Cathy O'Brien (Mar. 1, 2011)
'Standing People' ~ Can Trees Assist Earth to Prevent Catastrophic Earthquakes? (Feb. 28, 2011)
A Yemen Portal? (Feb. 28, 2011)
Driver's license taken at doctor's office (Feb. 28, 2011)
Monoatomic Gold & Losing Your Soul (Feb. 24, 2011)
Another Somnambulist, Another Lecture: Is There Any Hope for America? (Feb. 23, 2011)
Roosevelt's Treason (Feb. 23, 2011)
Most Americans Are Unwitting 'Property' of the Corporate State (Feb. 18, 2011)
Nathan Carse, Warrant Officer & Rugby Teammate Dies in Afghanistan (Feb. 12, 2011)
Egypt from June Page (Feb. 12, 2011)
Non Comments on the Jan. 28 Dome of the Rock Event (Feb. 10, 2011)
Chemtrail Report, Denver Colorado (Feb. 7, 2011)
Questions regarding Chemtrails [from a skeptic] (Feb. 7, 2011)
A Personal Question on The Motivation of Evildoers (Feb. 1, 2011)
The Sorcha Faal Hoax (Jan. 30, 2011)
Questions on MacDonald Case "Discrepancies" (Jan. 29, 2011)
Counteracting Chemtrails in the U.K. & Ireland (Jan. 26, 2011)
Letter on ZSL, Sylphs, and Earth Dreams (Jan. 21, 2011)
Alien 'Disclosure' (It's Coming Soon) (Jan. 14, 2011)
Love Without End by Glenda Green, Conversations with Jesus (Jan. 14, 2011)
"Ophiuchus", the New 13th House of the Zodiac? (Jan. 13, 2011)
A Short Lesson in Chemistry and English (Jan. 12, 2011)
Suggestions on Building an Orgone Generator House (Jan. 12, 2011)
Skeptical of ZS Livingstone (Jan. 11, 2011)
Mono Atomic Gold: What's the Sense of it? (Jan. 10, 2011)
Birds falling from the sky worldwide (Jan. 8, 2011)
Looking for Rife (Frequency Therapy) Generators (Jan. 6, 2011
Sound Therapy: A Short Tutorial on Producing Binaural Sound Beats (Jan. 6, 2011)
To Trust or Not to Trust: Exploring New Ideas in Asset Management (Jan. 5, 2011)
Sniffer Dogs Offer Better Airport Security Without Radiation Damage (Jan. 4, 2011)
Chronic Pneumonia and Inhaling Hydrogen Peroxide (Jan. 3, 2011)
Motivated American Seeks Starting Blocks to Stop NWO Takeover (Jan. 3, 2011)
Interested In (but worried about) Colloidal Silver (Dec. 28, 2010)
Hartwell, Webb, Sosbee v. Gunderson, Decamp, & Adachi (Dec. 16, 2010)
Missing Children: " Surely you must be kidding" (Dec. 15, 2010)
Question Inquiry/ Question Answer (Dec. 15, 2010)
Was Jesus a Jew? (Dec. 13, 2010)
What would you do? (Dec. 12, 2010)
The Dangers of Cell Phone Radiation (& How to Minimize) Dec. 10, 2010Norway Man Confusing Mind Control Victimization with "Spirit Guides" (Dec. 9, 2010)
Corbett & Pilato Skewer the Villainous and Cunning Julian Assange (Dec. 7, 2010)
Marc Stevens and Adventures In Legal Land (Dec. 6, 2010)
Military Man Wants to Remove Amalgam Fillings, But Gets No Cooperation (Dec. 6, 2010)
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura (Dec. 5, 2010)
The Power of the Vote (Dec. 4, 2010)
The Chemtrail Cover-Up (Dec. 3, 2010)
"Why don't you have the guts to say the word:" (Dec. 4, 2010)
Letter from India: Searching for Help (Dec. 3, 2010)
Vladimer Wishes Gospoden Anachi to Provide Proof of Chemtrails (Dec. 3, 2010)
"My Baby Sister Has Cancer" (Dec. 2, 2010)
The Franklin Coverup, Ted Gunderson, & David Hinkson (Dec. 1, 2010)
Etheric Images (Nov. 19, 2010)
Doesn't Monoatomic Gold Work Similar to Colloidal Silver? (Nov. 19, 2010)
Creditors in Commerce (Redemption~Soverignty info) Nov. 19, 2010
Cowardly Critic Objects to All Cap Text (Nov. 17, 2010)
Chemtrails, a Little Update (Nov. 16, 2010)
ZetaTalk, Nancy Leader, & Gray Aliens (Nov. 16, 2010)
TASERS & Those Who Approve of Their Use (Nov. 11, 2010)
Mysterious Missile - W/Los Angeles - Smoking Gun (Nov. 10, 2010)
"Kids in America Don't Care" (Nov. 7, 2010)
"Does the CS generator make ionic as well as colloidal silver?" (Nov. 4, 2010)
Lung Cancer, Hydrogen Peroxide & the Genius of Dr. Hulda Clark (Nov. 4, 2010)
Riddle of the 'Time Traveler' in 1928 Chaplin Movie (Oct. 30, 2010)
Charmtrails Over Sacramento, CA ~ Part 2 (Oct. 27, 2010)
World Anti Chemtriail Day on Nov. 20, 2010 (Oct. 26, 2010)
Seasonal Flu Vaccine (Oct. 25, 2010)
Desperate to Avoid Cancer Surgery ~ What to Do?
Germany's Black Magicians (or Send Out the Clowns) Oct. 25, 2010
Scientology and Moonies (Oct. 24, 2010)
Comments on My "Gift" of Doom & Gloom (Oct. 12, 2010)
Blood Electrification and the Skeptical Mind (Oct. 4, 2010)
Copper Disc Terminator v. Mini Silver Terminator (Oct. 1, 2010)
Huge, Anomalous Object Observed Near the Moon (Sep. 16, 2010)
"E-Waste" Lunatics Tackle Bacterial Infections (Sep. 9, 2010)
Aliens? What Aliens? (Sep. 2, 2010)
Getting Started on Understanding the NWO Takeover Game (Sep. 1, 2010)
Two Month Chemtrail Abatement Noticed over Sacramento, California (Aug. 31, 2010)
The Downside of Restraining Orders (Aug. 30, 2010)
German MiniZAP versus the SOTA Beck Electrifier Design (Aug. 28, 2010)
Humanity's Future (Aug. 27, 2010)
Hulda Clark's Positive Offset v. Bob Beck's Bi-phasic Voltage (Aug. 27, 2010)
Overseas Teachers Working for DOD Told They Must Take H1N1 Flu Vaccine (Aug. 27, 2010) (Updated)
A Late Night Chopper Visit (Aug. 26, 2010)
"Armageddon", Tony's Letter from Down Under (Aug. 25, 2010)
Friendly Note from a Scientologist Defending Scientology (Aug. 25, 2010)
Overseas Teachers Working for DOD Told They Must Take H1N1 Flu Vaccine (Aug. 23, 2010)
Re. Joe Cell: "Hydrogen can kill" (Aug. 21, 2010)
Sir Mark Phillips (Aug. 18, 2010)
Spelling Error Noted (Aug. 18, 2010)
Report: Seattle Skies Bluer, Chemtrails Waning (Aug. 6, 2010)
Brief Conversation with a Gnat (Aug. 6, 2010)
Christian Chruches' Failure to Expose the Satanic NWO Takeover Agenda (May 30, 2010)
Wikipedia and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (May 29, 2010)
Why Not Have a Draft? (May 21, 2010)
Ask, and It Shall Be Given (May 21, 2010)
Arizona Law & Observations on a Children's Fable (May 20, 2010)
Zionism & the Millenium Myth (May 17, 2010)
Phishing & (May 12, 2010)
The Cancer Industry (May 8, 2010)
Is Batterypack's Bulb Beginning to Brighten? (May 7, 2010)
Arizona's Illegal Enforcement Law: a Gateway to National ID Cards? (May 6,2010)
Strange Encounters (May 4, 2010)
Sherry Shriner, Again (April 30, 2010)
More Revelations From (& About) the Etheric Resistance (April 28, 2010)
Application for the Position of Chinese Spy (April 23, 2010)
How Do You Wake People Up to the Reality of Chemtrails? (April 23, 2010)
Response to Derisive Craig's List Posting (April 21, 2010)
"Calling All Sylphs" (April 16, 2010)
Astral Traveller Confirms Chemplanes Utilize UFO Technologies (April 15, 2010)
How to Make Orgone Energy Blankets (April 12, 2010)
A Conversation with the Overself (April 7 2010)
Regarding Castaneda (April 1, 2010)
"Orgone buster was a bust" (April 1, 2010)
Goodness has not exited planet earth (April 1, 2010)
FBI instigators (March 31, 2010)
Pennsylvania to Bundle H1N1 Toxins with Seasonal Flu Shot (March 31, 2010)
Electronic Monitoring and Stalking Harssment (March 29, 2010)
How to Organize & Fight Against Chemtrail Poisoning (March 29, 2010)
Preaching Nonsense (March 26, 2010)
Destini Productions: Dark, Disingenuous, Disinformative, & Dangerous (March 23, 2010)
Some Thoughts on Chemtrail-Laden skies Over London (March 19, 2010)
USA Inc. v. the united states of America (March 9, 2010)
Earthquake Conundrum (March 8, 2010)
Freemasons: Inquiring Minds Want to Know (March 5, 2010)
" ...And Let It Begin With Me" (Dec. 22, 2009)
Iodine And The Halogen Revolution (Dec. 22, 2009)
Christmas & Window Dressing (Dec. 8, 2009)
Obama's Childhood Medallion & the Art of Genetic Engineering (Dec. 6, 2009)
UK Swine Flu Vaccine Leads to Heart Failure & Stroke (Dec. 2, 2009)
Otto Skorzeny "died a free man in 1975" (Dec. 2, 2009)
Video/Film Vet Says 9-11 an Obvious Scripted Production (Dec. 1, 2009)
Babies Given 'Heel Pricks' at Hospitals or Clinics Are Being DNA Mapped (Dec. 1, 2009)
Military Drills & Equipment Buildup in California (Nov. 28, 2009)
More from the Mayan Jaguars (Nov. 25, 2009)
Return of the Mayan Jaguars ~ A Letter from Honduras (Nov. 24, 2009)
Is the Tribe of Judah the Original Israelites~ and Black? (Nov. 24, 2009)
Fort Hoodwinked Psyops to Keep Rolling? (Nov. 22, 2009)
Alien Takeover, Big Pharma World Flu Summit, & Swine Vaccine Microchips (Nov. 11, 2009)
Heavy Chemtrail Barage on Nov. 10, 2009 over Orange County, California (Nov. 11, 2009)
Are Video 'Interviews" Being Faked with Computer Software? (Oct. 18, 2009)
The Beatles, Coleman, Adorno, and the Walrus (Oct. 17, 2009)
Confusing Sylphs with Project Blue Beam in Toronto Sky (Oct. 17, 2009)
Report from Australia: Swine Flu Sheeple Lining Up (& the Thiaoouba Prophecy) Oct. 17, 2009
James Casbolt, an Update (Oct. 15, 2009)
Questioning the Obamas' Reptilian Baggage Photos (Oct. 14, 2009)
Following Artificially-Created Quakes in the Pacific, Is It Now California's Turn? (Oct. 14, 2009)
Orgone Generators, Orgone Accumulators, and Karl Welz (Oct. 12, 2009)
Obama's Parentage and Nationality (Oct. 11, 2009)
Self Discovery is the Only Discovery (Oct. 8, 2009)
Is Interstate Barrier Construction Intended to Corral? (Oct. 3, 2009)
Lamenting the America of Yesterday (Sep. 22, 2009)
Sell Out Your Fellow State Citizens for Fun & Profit! (Sep. 22, 2009)
Dicyanin Googles, Visual Ray, Self Reliance, and "NEW4Y" (Sep. 20, 2009)
Prostate Cancer Survivor: "This comes from the heart" (Sep. 20, 2009)
Avoid the Red Cross (Sep 18, 2009)
Noam Chomsky Disciple Chastises Ken Adachi: "You have a long way to go" (Sep. 11, 2009)
"Subject: Dr. Hulda Clark" (Sep. 8, 2009)
Remembering Leslie Brockelbank and the Eugene, Oregon No-GWEN Project (Sep. 7, 2009)
Dr Mercola on Colloidal Silver & Swine Flu (Sep 4, 2009)
Reader Claims Mass. Forced Vaccination/Quarantine Bill Penalties "simply not true" (Aug. 31, 2009)
Mom Worried About (Swine Flu) Vaccinations & 'Proof' for School Attendance (Aug. 25, 2009)
White House Stages Montana 'Town Hall Meeting' at Remote Bozeman Airport Hangar (Aug. 22, 2009)
Chemtrails and General Jeremiah (Aug. 22, 2009)
Collodial Silver and Nebulizer (Aug. 18, 2009)
Countering EMF Pollution & Defeating the NWO (Aug. 18, 2009)
Steven Quayle's Message (Aug. 13, 2009)
Neutralizing a TASER Gun Assault (Aug. 8, 2009)
Stimulus Money Going to FEMA? (Aug. 8, 2009)
"Gen. J. and The Galactics" (Aug. 8, 2009)
Questions Regarding the Galactic Federation (Aug. 7, 2009)
Chemtrails over Nanaimo, British Columbia (Aug. 4, 2009)
Stand Up and Get in the Game (July 15, 2009)
"Karma and All That" (July 15, 2009)
Hydrogen Peroxide and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) July 12, 2009
Re. Forced Vaccination vs. Red/Blue List Roundups (July 12, 2009)
"July article by Jack London" (July 5, 2009)
Marvin Smith: "your information was placed in my residential mail box" (June 18, 2009)
Sovereignty & The Uniform Commercial Code (June 16, 2009)
Chipping U.S. Passports: Big Brother to Follow Wherever You Go (June 12, 2009)
Orgone Protector Pendants Help Young Father (June 10, 2009)
Professional Photographer Questions Obama's Reptilian 'Baggage' Photos (June 7, 2009)
Batterypack & Psychedelic Drugs (June 4, 2009)
New Chembuster Owner Thrilled with Spectacular Sylph Show on June 2, 2009 (June 3, 2009)
A Note to the People of Britain (June 3, 2009)
La Corrida Clown (June 1, 2009)
Brief Exchange with a Jackass on Cell Phone Dangers (May 28, 2009)
Of Solutions, Optimism, & Positive Thinking (May 28, 2009)
Do Mexicans Want to Damage the U.S.? (May 24, 2009)
"The Worst is Yet to Come!" (May 23, 2009)
Stan Tenen & the Meru Foundation v. Dan Winter (May 22, 2009)
Of the Annunaki, Channeled Reptilians & Distractive Psyops (May 20, 2009)
The FDA & 'Warnings' About 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (May 19, 2009)
The Colloidal Silver versus Ionic Silver 'Controversy' (May 19, 2009)
Why is Colloidal Silver Made with Your Generator More Yellow Than Store Bought CS? (May 17, 2009)
Thought Projection and Remote Influencing (May 15, 2009)
Raising Baby in America: What to Do? (May 15, 2009)
U.K. Sylphs, Chemtrails, Swine Flu Propaganda, & The Power of Focused Intent (May 15, 2009)
Chemtrail Spraying Abatement Noticed in Some Parts of North America (May 14, 2009)
Keith Howe Recommends Three Articles on Government Treason , May 13, 2009
FSFM Syndrome, a Pernicious and Deadly Affliction (May 11, 2009)
The Baxter Flu Commando from Australia (May 10, 2009)
Goodbye to the Boys in White Coats (May 10, 2009)
Report From an Orgone Jedi (May 10, 2009)
"Your e-mail is so full of hate to the people of Latinamerica", Part 2 (May 9, 2009)
" to learn more about the aliens and what they want to do with the humans" (May 6, 2009)
"Your e-mail is so full of hate to the people of Latinamerica" (Apr. 12, 2009)
"I'm thinking of going back to college".. (Mar. 30, 2009)
H.R. 875: Tempest in a Teapot? (March 28, 2009)
"Urgent" (Level 3 Sex Offender on the Prowl) Mar. 21, 2009
Christian Propaganda and the True Bible (Mar. 21, 2009)
U.S. Complicity in Mexican Drug Violence and Cross-Border Gun Running (Mar. 20, 2009)
"From the faithless one" (Mar. 17, 2009)
Chemtrails-induced "Freak Rainstorm" Kills Man in Northern California (Mar. 17, 2009)
Oath Keepers: Police & Miliary Who Will Defy the NWO Takeover of America (Mar. 16, 2009)
"I Am a Christian... What Can I do to Help?" (Mar. 15, 2009)
Questions about Alex Jones and Continental Congress 2009 (Mar. 15, 2009)
"Why the Attitude?"(Mar. 13, 2009)
Jeffrey MacDonald (Mar. 12, 2009)
The American Cancer Society (March 11, 2009)
Dealing with Salmonella Infection While Pregnant (Mar. 8, 2009)
Satanic Pentagram Chemtrail Spotted Over New Jersey (Mar. 8, 2009)
The Future of Mental Health (Feb. 26, 2009)
"I am at my wit's end about looking for work" (Feb. 26, 2009)
The Dark Force Behind the Global Crisis (Feb. 26, 2009)
Chemtrail Spraying Schedule & Agenda Listed (Feb. 22, 2009)
Consciousness Raising Symbiosis Show March 14-April 19, British Columbia, Canada (Feb. 21, 2009)
Beck Electrifier versus The "Ultimate Zapper" (Feb. 22, 2009)
Cate Blanchett - Illuminati/Mk-Ultra? (Feb. 21, 2009)
Sharp Edged "Z" Chemtrail Spotted over South Wales, UK (Feb. 16, 2009)
Are Cell Phone & Radio Transmissions "Mandated" to Go Digital as Well? (Feb. 16, 2009)
Bush Supporter Finds Fault with Ted Gunderson and Dr Jeffrey MacDonald (Feb. 15, 2009)
The Buffalo Aircrash & False Flag Op Planned During Spring Break? (Feb. 14, 2009)
Was the Buffalo Aircrash a Diversion & a Psyops? (Feb. 13, 2009)
Babara Hand Clow (Feb. 10, 2009)
"Did You Know?" ~ A Letter from Shawn (Feb. 9, 2009)
The Draft "as of now" (Feb. 9, 2009)
"I am Miss Faith Kone" (Feb. 7, 2009)
What to Do to STOP the Globalist Takeover of America? (Feb. 6, 2009)
"Heroes" TV Show: In-Your-Face Psyops? (Feb. 4, 2009)
High Treason, New Tracks, JPL & "Aero Gel" (Feb. 3, 2009)
Symbolia, An Allegory by Sylvia Anderson (Feb. 3, 2009)
Questions on the NWO from Vadim in the Ukraine (Feb. 2, 2009)Alex Baldwin's Hulu Commercial Aired During Superbowl (feb. 2, 2009)
Australian Internet Censorship, John Searle's Free Energy Machine, & Rudolf Hess (Feb. 2, 2009)
Possible False Flag Nuke at Today's Super Bowl? (Feb. 1, 2009)
Ed Dames, Doomsday, and the Coming "Kill Shot" (Feb. 1, 2009)
Allies Contact Sheet = NWO Hit List? (Jan. 31, 2009)
Orgone Accumulators versus Orgone Generators (Jan. 31, 2009)
Clearing Gum Infections (jan. 29, 2009)
"A Few Questions for You" (Jan. 25, 2009)
The Ultimate Scheme of Things (Jan, 22, 2009)
"Sincerely Yours" (Jan. 22, 2009)
Stunning Minnesota Sylph Show (Jan. 19, 2009)
Chemtrails (& Sylphs) in Las Vegas/Henderson (Jan. 19, 2009)
The "government" is NOT the American people (Jan. 18, 2009)
Orbs and Aliens (Jan. 14, 2009)
"I do NOT believe they planned 9/11. No way" (Jan. 4, 2009)
A Course in Miracles: "What's Your Opinion?" (Jan. 2, 2009)
"A couple of questions regarding Anna Hayes and Genesis 2012" (Jan. 1, 2009)
A New Year's Eve Message of Hope (Dec. 31, 2008)
Fear Promotion & the Engineered 'Economic Collapse' (Dec. 28, 2008)
Bailing Out of the USA (Dec. 26, 2008)
"Actionable Disinformation" Re: Rima Laibow, Albert Stubblebine, & Sounds of Silence (Dec. 24, 2008)
How Do You Protect Against the Covert Dangers of Digital TV? (Dec. 22, 2008)
"Just to let you know" (Dec. 19, 2008)
A Note from MIT's Harold S. Kramer (Dec. 19, 2008)
Interested in Meditation, The Basics (Dec. 18, 2008)
Nutri Energetics Systems: A 'New' Development? (Dec. 17, 2008)
Boycott & Trashing the Boob Tube: An Idea to take Flight? (Dec. 14, 2008)
Erecting the Ministry of Truth (& destroying Christianity) Brick by Brick (Dec. 8, 2008)
A Few Comments on 'Spare the Air', Al Gore, & Chemtrails (Dec. 7, 2008)
Update! "Rooster Nest" Strikes back re: "Join me in solving the climate crisis" from Oct. 18, 2008
The Universal Declaration on Human Rights Fraud (Dec. 7, 2008)
Chemtrail Poisoning: A Decade Long Global Genocide Operation (Dec. 5, 2008)
Colloidal Silver versus Gold in the Body (Dec. 4, 2008)
A Brief Conversation with a Lunatic (Dec. 3, 2008)
Charging Water for Health and Healing by Drew (Dec. 1, 2008)
Alternative Medicine (Dec. 1, 2008)
Bibles & Churches (Nov. 30, 2008)
Vitamin C & Lysine for Heart Disease (Nov. 29, 2008)
Avoiding a Marriage Licence And Still Be Legally Married (Nov. 28, 2008)
The False Flag 'Attack' in Mumbai (Nov. 28, 2008)
Chemtrails and Aliens, What's the Deal? (Nov. 27, 2008)
Chemtrails Over Puerto Rico (Nov. 26, 2008)
False Flag Jitters: A Convenient Diversion for White House Criminals (Nov. 26, 2008)
Mental Weather Modification by Drew (Nov. 25, 2008)
Caving in to Consensus Propaganda in UK's Halls of Academic Freedom (Nov. 25, 2008)
Gypsy Moth Spraying & Increased Chemtrails in Southern California (Nov. 23, 2008)
Measuring Orgone Energy (Nov. 20, 2008)
HD TV Ads: Who's Paying? (Nov. 19, 2008)
True Believers and the Alien Rapture (Nov. 19, 2008)
Sylph Chicken Spotted Over Galveston Farm (Nov. 18, 2008)
Dr. Jeffrey McDonald, The Ultimate Victim of Mob Mentality (Nov. 13, 2008)
Resisting the NWO: What to Do? (Nov. 13, 2008)
"Copyright" and E-mail Letters Sent to The Editor (Nov. 13, 2008)
Blood Electrification & Cured AIDS Testimonials (Nov 12, 2008)
Voting Out The NWO Congressional Rats (Nov. 3, 2008)
Colloidal Silver, Horses, & Kids "go together like a horse and carriage" (Nov. 3, 2008)
Oh, But to Act & Think Like a Follower of Christ (Nov. 2, 2008)
How to Rebel & Fight Against the NWO (in two short paragraphs) Nov. 2, 2008
Zeitgeist Addendum ~ Another Slick Psyops (Oct. 30, 2008)
Looking for more information about the Global Conspiracy (includes Zeitgeist Addendum) Oct. 30, 2008
Leaving E-Y Forum Due to "Racist" Posts & "GOP Trolls" (Oct. 29, 2008)
"Obama Will Be One of The Greatest (and Most Loved) American Presidents" (Oct. 28, 2008)
Alaska's Ted Stevens Conviction & California Malathion Aerial Poisoning (Oct. 27, 2008)
Will Christmas Come Early to the Ukraine? (Oct. 25, 2008)
Pretend-Research & Medical 'Science' (Oct. 24, 2008)
MICROSOFT: "WORST VIRUS EVER" ~ Real or Hoax? (Oct 21 2008)
More on the HDTV Switch Over (& CFL Bulbs) (Oct. 19, 2008)
"Join me in solving the climate crisis" (Oct. 18, 2008)
Blossom Goodchild. Oct. 14, 2008 & Illuminati Deception (Oct. 16, 2008)
Curing Acid-Reflux Naturally & The Price of Using Pharmaceuticals (Oct. 16, 2008)
Black Beams & Shadows (Oct. 15, 2008)
October 14, 2008 and Alien Ships in the Sky (Oct. 14, 2008)
More on the HD TV Mandatory Switchover in 2009 (Oct. 13, 2008)
Congress Created the Mortgage Financial 'Crisis' (Oct. 13, 2008)
October is "Wild Fire" Month in California (Oct. 11, 2008)
Was Sarah Palin 'Wired' During the Debate? (Oct. 11, 2008)
Palin, Bloodlines, & the 2008 Presidential Election (Oct. 9, 2008)
Question about BlueTooth radiation (Oct. 3, 2008)
Educate Yourself & Orgonite (Oct. 2, 2008)
Forced Vaccination of Cows in Sweden (Sep. 29, 2008)
Hydrogen Peroxide and Room Temperature IQ, A Deadly Mix (Sep. 25, 2008)
Astute Observations on the 'Missing Links' 9/11 Video (Sep. 14, 2008)
Zeitgeist, Otra Vez (Sep. 11, 2008)
12 Year Old Covertly Trained to Remote View at Special "School" in London (Sept. 10, 2008), A Tale Told with Sound & Fury (Sep. 2, 2008)
The American Monetary Act of 2008 (& The Eric Jon Phelps Toady in Tow) Sep. 1, 2008
"Selective services sent me a letter. What can I do?" (Sep. 1, 2008)
Report from London, September 1, 2008
Educate-Yourself's Credibility (Aug. 29, 2008)
Weston Price - A Leader in Nutrition Knowledge (Aug. 28, 2008)
The New World Order & Aliens (Aug. 28, 2008)
Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald & Victims of SEE (Aug. 27 2008)
California Fires and AC-130 Gunships: Is There a Connection? (Aug. 27, 2008)
Sylphs & Chembusters Clearing Skies In New Jersey (Aug. 27, 2008)
The Common Law or "Freeman" or "Redemption" Movements (Aug. 26, 2008)
More Sylph Magic Over Hudson Valley, New York (August 23, 2008)
German Reader Asserts Bormann Died While Escaping the Berlin Bunker (Aug. 21, 2008)
Freeing Yourself from The Matrix in Canada (Aug. 19, 2008)
Bi-Polar Syndrome and Fear of the NWO (August 16, 2008)
Skeptic Needs 'Concrete' Evidence from Brice Taylor (Aug. 16, 2008)
"My Name is Joe" (On Joining the Army) Aug. 14, 2008
Barbara Hartwell (Aug. 14, 2008)
A Tribute to Andy Pero Against Those Who Might Disparage Him (Aug. 12, 2008)
Evidence of a Previous Life in World War II Germany? (Aug. 8, 2008)
Magnificient Sylphs Appear Near Edinburgh, Scotland (August 7, 2008)
A Textbook Description of Elementals (& Sylphs) Aug. 7, 2008
Awakening to Chemtrail Poisoning in Southern Michigan (Aug. 1, 2008)
Questions from a DD Skeptic (July 29, 2008)
Am I Dreaming or Is This a Nightmare? (July 26, 2008)
Help Me Help Myself (July 26, 2008)
Codex Alimentarius & The French Revolution (July 25, 2008)
"Copyright Abuse" Report from Denmark (July 25, 2008)
Soldiers Speak Out (July 24, 2008)
Scotland: Aerosol Cloaking & Weather Modification? (July 21, 2008)
Fighting Chemtrails in Germany: An Interim Report (July 22, 2008)
Black Beam Appears Briefly over Corpus Christi Airport (July 21, 2008)
Doubtful of Electronic Mind Control ~ A Short Tutorial (July 21, 2008)
Establishment Lies About HIV/AIDS Tests (July 18, 2008)
Letter from a Student of Islam (July 17, 2008)
The Sound of Battle in Baton Rouge (July 17, 2008)
Strange Night Sky Object Changes Shape Continuously (July 11, 2008)
Big Brother Social Conditioning at NJ-NY PATH Train Station Continues (July 13, 2008)
More on the Captivating Charms of Acharya S (July 12, 2008)
Upset with Ken Adachi's 'Illuminati McCarthyism' (July 10, 2008)
Update on Dr. Joseph Chiappolone, The End Times Terminal Madness Guru (July 10, 2008)
Molly's First Sylph, Savanah, Georgia (July 10, 2008)
Eric Dubay & The Captivating Charms of Acharya S (July 9, 2008)
A Few Comments from Donna Modet (July 9 2008)
UK Town Council Upholds Ticketing for Placing 'For Sale' Sign in Auto Legally Parked (July 6, 2008)
Antichrist Found: Confirmed by Pastor Harry & the Bible Codes (July 5, 2008)
'Verifiable' Truth (July 2, 2008)
NJ-NY PATH Train Station Running AUDIBLE Mind Control Programming? (July 2, 2008)
Disloyalty and US Military Cooperation with the NWO (June 1, 2008)
Fishing from Tokelau (July 1, 2008)
Sorcha Faal & Russian Intelligence: Is There a Connection? (June 30, 2008)
Questions about Depleted Uranium (June 29, 2008)
Chemtrail Sandwiches & the Northern California Fires (June 29, 2008)
Fear and Judgement are the Stiflers of Experience (June 26, 2008)
Gig Harbor, Washington: Sylphs, HAARP, & Rainbow Clouds (June 25, 2008)
Weather Tampering and California "Wild" Fires (June 24, 2008)
Chemtrails, Sylphs, & The Power of Prayer (June 22, 2008)
"Please, are you able to help us, with doing something about those Chemtrails?" (June 22, 2008)
On Fighting Chemtrails in Scotland & Recognizing Sylphs (June 21, 2008)
Incredible Sylph Show & UFO Phenomena over Patagonian Coast, March 20-21, 2004 (June 18, 2008)
"What I Saw Yesterday" ~ A Brooklyn Realization (June 14, 2008)
Time Machine Man (June 12, 2008)
'Christian' The Lion (& Pals): Reunion in Africa (June 11, 2008)
Comments from a Fundamentalist (albeit anonymous) Catholic Basher (June 8, 2008)
EMF Shielding & Granite Pebble/Asphalt Roofs (June 6, 2008)
Galactic Empire (June 1, 2008)
Prophetic Dreams of Hurricanes Hitting Houston/San Antonio Texas (May 29, 2008)
"I think something is happening in the sky" (May 29, 2008)
Chemtrails & Black Beams Spotted Near Toronto (May 26, 2008)
Commercial Aviator of Ten Years Unaware of Chemtrails (May 26, 2008)
Chakra Development, Earth Chakras, & Chemtrails (May 26, 2008)
Blaming the Victim: The Jeffrey MacDonald Case (May 25, 2008)
Sylphs in Tennessee (May 23, 2008)
Concerning My "Impossible" Forum Guidelines (May 23, 2008)
The Proud Atheist Who's 'Not Promoting' Atheism (May 23, 2008)
Government High Tech Aerial Bombardment: From New York to Lima (May 22, 2008)
Be a Roman Senator (May 20, 2008)
Year 2012, Religion, & Bible Spin (May 10, 2008)
Brainwave Meditation Recordings and Hidden Mind Control Programming (May 8, 2008)
"What do you think will happen in 2012?" (May 6, 2008)
Of Persian Magic and Those Who Know (May 6, 2008)
'Confessions of a Marine' Critic (Take 2) May 5, 2008
Chemtrails over Australia's Gold Coast (May 2, 2008)
Yes, "Seriously": Evangelical Con Artists (April 28, 2008)
Another Zeta Talk Awakening (April 27, 2008)
Chemtrails Over Northern Italy (April 27, 2008)
Faraj's $4,800/month Ad Text Offer (April 27, 2008)
Our Short, Happy Experience with Michael de la Vega (April 26, 2008)
Senate Bill 1959 Treasonists (April 26, 2008)
Discernment Through the Heart Center: "Last Year's Zeta E-mail" (April 26, 2008)
Military Draft Anxiety (April 26, 2008)
The Shifting Sands of Slang (April 25, 2008)
Jackson Heights, NY Slowly Sinks into the Bowels of the Beast (April 24, 2008)
Airline Pilot Concerned About Radiation & America's Future (April 23, 2008)
Ozone Air Purifiers (April 21, 2008)
Orgone Generators: "Should you not be giving these away?" (April 21, 2008)
Ken Adachi's 'Interview' on Coast to Coast AM (April 20, 2008)
"I contacted my Congressman about those terrible Chemtrails" (April 19, 2008)
Is the Sunday San Francisco Chronicle Publishing Secret Codes? (April 13, 2008)
New Discoveries of Inexpensive EMF Shielding Materials (April 12, 2008)
Covert Surveillance Agenda Attached to Mandatory HD TV Conversion? (April 12, 2008)
"Living within 100 metres of high voltage power pylons" (April 11, 2008)
What a Letdown (April 11, 2008)
Can Hydrogen Peroxide Remove Barnacles from a Ship's Hull? (April 7, 2008)
"I've got sort-of-good-news for you" (April 5, 2008)
NZ University Student Launches 'NWO Investigation' of Ken Adachi (April 4, 2008)
Subject: Chemtrails (April 3, 2008)
Word of Thanks (April 3, 2008)
"You really should do a spell check every now and then!" (April 3, 2008)
"We Need Those Free Energy Machines" (April 1, 2008)
Video Clips Reveal Long History of Aerial Population Poisoning by U.S. Government (April 1, 2008)
Brian Hughes, an old patriot from Massachusetts (March 31, 2008)
Best Wishes & Goodbye (March 27, 2008)
What is a Fifth Columnist? (March 22, 2008)
Rosemary Jacobs, Colloidal Silver Debunker, Strikes Back! (March 17, 2008)
Dick Cheney, A Most Dangerous Enemy to Humanity (March 17, 2008)
Shelly Shriner (March 13, 2008)
Colloidal Silver & Blue Skin (March 2, 2008)
Does Satan Even Exist? (Mar 2, 2008)
Saving Private Husband (Feb.12, 2008)
Global Warming, David Wilcox, & Planetary Ascension (Feb. 11, 2008)
British Israel Muppet: Brainwashed, Mislead, & Lovin' It! (Feb. 11, 2008)
Ignorant of Police TASER Abuse (Feb. 11, 2008)
"Dear Editor Ken Adachi" (Anyone want to step in & handle this 'project' for me?) Feb. 10, 2008
San Diego Feb 10 2008, Chemtrail Sighting (Feb. 10, 2008)
Addressing Stomach Problems (Jan. 31, 2008)
On Meeting Ron Paul: Dreams Do Come True (Jan. 31, 2008)
James McCanney Again & My 'Intolerance' Towards Immigration Issues (Jan. 30, 2008)
Jim McCanney Science Page (Jan. 26, 2008)
Sherry Shriner (Jan. 24, 2008)
Treating Fourth Stage Colon Cancer & Beck Bioelectrification (Jan. 22, 2008)
Consumed with Fear (Jan. 22, 2008)
Multiple Personality Disorder, Mind Control, & Memory Recovery (Jan. 20, 2008)
13 Year Old on Visual Ray & Chemtrail Education Among Schoolmates (Jan. 20,. 2008)
Chemtrails- Real or Fake? (Jan. 15, 2008)
"Shane! Say it Isn't So, Shane!" (Jan. 12, 2008)
Hillary's 'Win' In New Hampshire & Rigged Electronic Elections (Jan. 11, 2008)
Black Beams, Uranium, and NWO Radio Shills (Jan. 11, 2008)
Savanah's Letter (Jan. 11, 2008)
More on the Real ID Act (Jan. 10, 2008)
The 'coming' Avian-Flu Pandemic (& Zapper Schematics) Dec. 28, 2007
Physical Symptoms Associated with Chemtrail Spraying (Dec. 27, 2007)
Sylphs Neutralize Chemtrails over Cairns, Australia (Dec. 27, 2007)
Zeta Talk & Disinformation (Dec. 19, 2007)
How to Cancel the Effects of TASER Guns (Dec. 16, 2007)
Lemmings Rush In: The Bali Climate Conference (Dec. 13, 2007)
West Point Cadet Ready to Serve Despite Us Crazy Vets (Dec. 1, 2007)
Thomas Michael Corcoran: Journalist/Photographer/Designer/Artist/Chemtrail Skeptic/Zithead (Nov. 30, 2007)
Planet X and Fear Creation (Nov. 29, 2007)
Semper Fi..... and Barbarism (Nov. 28, 2007)
Encouraging Sylphs to Neutralize Chemtrails Over Edmonton, Canada (Nov. 27, 2007)
The Importance of Good News (Nov. 25, 2007)
ZetaTalk & The Art of Waking Up (Nov. 24, 2007)
The Bible as a Resource of Inspired Thought (Nov. 24, 2007)
Turbine Engineer Dismisses Chemtrails as 'Pure Fantasy' (Nov. 24, 2007)
Debra Pitts Responds to Satanic Promoter Letter (Nov. 21, 2007)
Chembuster Working Well in Yucca Valley, California (Nov. 18, 2007)
Ken Adachi's "Error" re. Satanic Promoters (Nov. 18, 2007)
Chemtrails Covered on Mainstream TV News Show (& only 9 years late!) Nov. 15, 2007
Steven Greer Fan Thrashes Disinfo Peddler Ken Adachi (Nov. 15, 2007)
Impressions From a Ron Paul Rally in Philidelphia on Nov 10, 2007 (Nov. 14, 2007)
There is light at the end of the tunnel (Nov. 13, 2007)
Comments for an End Times Dreamer (Nov. 12, 2007)
Chemtrail Awareness Day (Nov. 11, 2007)
Individual Not Collective Action (Nov. 11, 2007)
Amitakh Stanford and Joseph Chiappalone: More Questions (Nov. 10, 2007)
Black Beam Spotted Over Lower Lake, Californnia in Feb. 2007 (Nov. 3, 2007)
Alex Jones, Part 2 (Oct. 31, 2007)
Mushroom Gatherers Encounter Reality of Microwave Cell Tower & DOR Energy Field (Oct. 30, 2007)
Stage 3 Cancer, Mother of 2 Young Children Feels It May Be "Hopeless" (Oct. 30, 2007)
Questions Authenticity of Rob Olson Video & Photographs (Oct. 29, 2007)
The Possible Link Between Chemtrails, Microwaves, & Bee Die-off (Oct. 29, 2007)
Black Beam Spotted Near Rensselaer, Indiana (Oct. 24, 2007)
Nature-Based Treatment for Skin Cancer (Oct. 23, 2007)
A Classroom Assignment on Colloidal Silver (Oct. 22, 2007)
Some Comments on " black magic, spells, witch crafts, zombies, and stuff like that" (Oct. 18, 2007)
Sleepers Awake: Stirring from Christian Fundamentalist Brainwashing (Oct. 17, 2007)
Growing Industrial Hemp (Oct. 16, 2007)
"The Elemental King and Master of earth wish to make this known" (Oct. 16, 2007)
Message for Gosia (and for every reader of Oct. 16, 2007
Battling the Dark Side: Letter from the Philippines (Oct. 14, 2007)
"See the Truth, Freedom is Taken from the Oppressor" (Oct. 10, 2007)
Mysterious Disappearances ~ Elites Jumping Ship Before the Big Hit? (Oct. 8, 2007)
Merck, Freemasons, and the Delusions of British Israel (Oct. 3, 2007)
The Unexpected Interlude (Sep. 24, 2007)
Gains Benefits from Taking Hydrogen Peroxide Drops Daily (Sep. 23, 2007)
Global Warming, Increasing Solar Output, and the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy (Sep. 21, 2007)
Questions Concerning British Street Surveillance (Sep. 18, 2007)
More on the Satanic Hand Sign (Sep. 17, 2007)
Has the Earth Tilted its Axis from 23 Degrees to 49 Degrees? (Sep. 17, 2007)
Appeal to Join the "United Submitters Nation" & A Final Warning (Sep. 13, 2007)
New Reader Remains Fascinated, Yet Skeptical (Sep. 7, 2007)
The Hal Turner Link on AMERO Coins (Sep. 7, 2007)
Unusual Color Bands Photographed with Seattle Sylph (Sep. 4, 2007)
The End Times "Conclusion" - Questions from a Believer in the End Times Scenario (Sep. 3, 2007)
Bill Maher Flashes Satanic Hand Sign During HBO Comedy Special (August 27, 2007)
Download Home Chiropractic Handbook for Free (August 27, 2007)
Chemtrail Poisoning Noted in Israel (August 21, 2007)
Letter from a Noam Chomsky 'Believer' (August 21, 2007)
Montana Chembuster Owner Elated by Blue Sky Results (August 4, 2007)
Dr. Richard Boylan's Radio Interview Experiences 'Technical Difficulties' (August 4, 2007)
Clearing Staph Infection in Nose Using Natural Remedies (August 2, 2007)
'Zeitgeist' the Movie (July 31, 2007)
Wasting Time with a Bible Zealot (July 28, 2007)
Dr. Steven Greer, Take Six (July 27, 2007)
"I am Wind. Lots Going on Here" (July 27, 2007)
22 Year old Woman with High Blood Pressure Seeks Remedy (July 27, 2007)
Thoughts on Fire the Grid and Matthew's Comments on Chemtrails (July 17, 2007)
Fighting Chemtrails in Germany: Update on Gifting July 17, 2007
A Message from Atmarama and Billybangu (July 16, 2007)
The "Lockdown" Ploy (July 10, 2007)
Duality, Polarity, and the Illusions of Cabalists (July 6, 2007)
Royal Rife and His Microscope (July 6, 2007)
Chemtrails and Odd Weather in the UK (June 29, 2007)
Orgone Calling (June 28, 2007)
"I'm not entirely convinced that chemtrails are worse or different from contrails" (June 27, 2007)
Unplugging The Matrix: Generate Your Own Reality (June 25, 2007)
Project Blue Sky & The Pennsylvania Angel Sylph (June 24, 2007)
Some Observations on the Cult of Technology (June 23, 2007)
The Art of Mental Chembusting & Other Strategies of Etheric Resistance (June 19, 2007)
Jeffrey MacDonald - Article (June 17, 2007)
The Big Picture (June 1, 2007)
The Mysterious Text (May 30, 2007)
The Australian 'Crackdown' on Muslim Dissenters (May 30, 2007)
Illegal Aliens Don't Exist (according to an 'Immigration Lawyer') May 29, 2007
Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald Murder Case & DNA Results (May 28, 2007)
Note From Australia ref. Teachings of Don Juan (May 28, 2007)
"Your piece on Jeffrey MacDonald" (May 27, 2007)
Who's Trying to Save the Constitution? (May 23, 2007)
Elipas Levy Prayer to Slyphs (Air Elementals) (May 23, 2007)
Chemtrails: "if you could give me some real evidence, i would be a believer" (May 23, 2007)
Rosemary Jacobs (Again) & Anti-Colloidal Silver Propaganda (May 20, 2007)
Strange "Craft" in the Sky Reported on Coast to Coast AM Radio Show (May 20, 2007)
Warning on Tachyon Crystal Technology (May 20, 2007)
Letter from The Corporate Goon (May 19, 2007)
Delayed posting: Bright Light Seen Hovering in Sky Over Franklin Park, New Jersey
Pentagram Plainly Seen from Air over Texarkana, Texas Park (May 17, 2007)
The Moon Man and other Idiots (May 15, 2007)
Ref. Rethinking Noam Chomsky (May 15, 2007)
Sun Myung Moon Apologist Cites "a classic example of bad investigative journalism" (May 14, 2007)
Black Beams Spotted in the UK (May 14, 2007)
Laura Knight Jadczyk/ (May 14, 2007)
Ken Adachi Makes The (Un)Amazing James Randi's Hit List (May 14, 2007)
Sam's Club Joins Big Brother with Fingerprint Requirement (May 14, 2007)
"La Jour" on British Israel (May 10, 2007)
PhotoShop Alien Spacecraft? ( May 8, 2007)
Confiscating Property over Back Taxes (May 7, 2007)
Update on New Jersey and New York Area Chemtrails & Black Beams (May 6, 2007)
White Orbs in Sky Could Be Soviet Technology (May 6, 2007)
"Sylphs... Are Clearly Only Cloud Formations" (May 6, 2007)
Banning Lead Paint in the 1980's: A Hidden Agenda? (May 4, 2007)
Chemtrails or Exhaust Fumes? (May 4, 2007)
What Are Your Credentials? (May 2, 2007)
Interim Battle Report on the Chemtrails War, May 1, 2007
An Honest Question (April 29, 2007)
Devvy Kidd and Mind Control at Blacksburg (April 29, 2007)
A Few Pearls from Low Life Kalski (April 28, 2007)
Metal Used in Orgone Accumulators versus Orgone Generators (April 27, 2007)
'Jim Phelps' Fan Delivers Tongue Lashing to Agent Adachi (April 23, 2007)
Adrenal Fatigue (April 19, 2007)
Notes on Big Brother in England (April 12, 2007)
Angry Easter Bunny (April 8, 2007)
Anonymous Mail re. Chicago Black Ops (April 7, 2007)
"You Have Potatoes In Front of Your Eyes" (April 7, 2007)
A Note of Encouragement (April 6, 2007)
Looking for Allies in the U.K. (April 6, 2007)
A Very Short Note from Shanti Renfrew (April 6, 2007)
Awakening to Chemtrail Aerosol Poisioning in Pennsylvania (April 6, 2007)
Bright Light Seen Hovering in Sky Over Franklin Park, New Jersey (March 27, 2007)
The Importance of Orgone 'gifting' at Courthouses (Mar. 20, 2007)
Ted Gunderson Described as a Straight Shooter (March 18, 2007)
Letter to a Crackpot (Mar. 13, 2007)
Fighting Chemtrails in Germany: The Power of Focused Intent & Emotions (March 13, 2007)
Sophistry and Faulty Logic (Mar. 12, 2007)
Traitor on the Left (March 12, 2007)
Is There a Hidden Agenda In U.K. Drug Awareness Education? (Mar. 9, 2007)
On Being Tagged "Un-American" (Mar. 9, 2007)
The Better Business Bureau Ploy (Mar. 8, 2007)
Car-lockout ? High Tech Cell Phones to the Rsscue (Mar. 7, 2007)
Heavy Chemtrails over Central North Carolina (Mar. 7, 2006)
Working with Sylphs over France and Germany (March 5, 2007)
'Beerman' on the Draft! (How Appropriate) Mar. 4, 2007
Sylphs & Chemtrails over Tennessee Feb. 23, 2007 (Mar. 3, 2007)
Alternative Cancer Cures (Mar. 3, 2007)
Coleman's Beatles, Tavistock, etc. (Mar. 3, 2007)
Subject: Beautiful Day (Mar. 2, 2007)
The Effects of Magnetized Water on Plants (Mar. 2, 2007)
Anonymous Pedagogue Knows the Score on 9/11 & Military (Feb. 28, 2007)
Colloidal Silver Misinformation (Feb. 28, 2007)
Satanic-promotion Agenda (Feb. 27, 2007)
Algae as Bio-fuel (Feb. 27, 2007)
Orgone Tools Help Victim of Psychotronic Implant (Feb. 26, 2006)
Third Eye Power (Feb. 22, 2007)
Late Stage Liver Cancer-What to do? (Feb. 21, 2007)
Dismayed by the Realization of Satanic Ritual Abuse with Children (Feb.19, 2007)
13 Year Old Uses Positive Thoughtforms to Bust Chemtrails (Feb. 19, 2007)
Communicating with Sylphs from the Beach in England (Feb. 19, 2007)
Wikipedia Dis-Information on "Contrails" (Feb. 18, 2007)
HUGE Lenticular Clouds Directly Overhead UG Base Near Camp Pendleton (Feb. 18, 2007)
Black Ops, Psychotronics, Microwave Weapons & DoD "Shell" Contractors (Feb. 17, 2007)
Chemtrails Busted by Sylphs in Phoenix, AZ, today, February 16, 2007!
Sylphs Provide Sense of Hope Over Chemtrail Agenda (Feb. 13, 2007)
"I cannot understand why you are allowed to be operating" (Feb. 12, 2007)
Letter from an Army Private (Feb. 9, 2007)
Pentagrams Seen with Dutch Chemtrails (Feb. 6, 2007)
Monotomic Gold...Again (Jan. 24, 2007)
A Letter of Support (Jan. 14, 2007)
Home-Made RFID 'Chip Zapper' (Jan. 14, 2007)
Earth's Resonant Frequency (Jan. 14, 2007)
A Note from Turkish Batman (Jan. 12, 2007)
The Power of Thought: Daily Worldwide Wellness Affirmation (Jan. 6, 2007)
Sylphs Over Carlsbad, California, Jan. 3, 2007 (Jan. 4, 2007)
Caution: Reading E-Y Can Be Perilous (Jan. 4, 2007)
Aliens at Times Square on New Years Eve? (Jan. 1, 2007)
Using a Computer Tone Generator for Rife Frequency Therapy (Jan. 1, 2007)
2006 Letters
The Succor Punch and Focused Intent (Dec. 31, 2006)
Another Inquiry about Dr. Steven Greer & The Disclosure Project (Dec. 31, 2006)
Singing Away the Rain? (Dec. 15, 2006)
Offended Satanist (Dec. 13, 2006)
Chemtrails and Southwest Airlines (Dec. 6, 2006)
Admonitions from a Sad 'Too Bad' @ (Nov. 30, 2006)
Christian Fundamentalist Pigeon Holing (Nov. 30, 2006)
"I thank God that most people are more in touch with reality than you are" (Nov. 29, 2006)
" I am the Goddess Annerley" (Nov. 27, 2006)
Pancreatic Cancer (Nov. 26, 2006)
"And Your Social Security Number?" (Nov. 26, 2006)
'I Want My Colloidal Gold!' (Nov. 23, 2006)
"I would like to join to Illuminati Group. Where do I start?" (Nov. 20, 2006)
Dear Ophah, ..."Children Needs Help" (Nov. 18, 2006)
Hunter Thompson (Nov. 16, 2006)
Adrenal Exhaustion (Nov. 16, 2006)
The Conspiracy of Left Gatekeepers (Nov. 16, 2006)
Recognizing Sylphs (Nov. 11, 2006)
Comments & Questions on the New World Order Agenda and Chemtrails (Nov. 10, 2006)
Post Election Voting Comments (Nov. 9, 2006)
Questions On Suicide, Afterlife, and Pornography (Nov. 9, 2006)
The Middle Eastern Approach to Natural Medicine (Nov. 7, 2006)
Another "Why Bother to Vote?' Letter (and much more as you'll see) Nov. 5, 2006
'Corporate Entities' versus The November 7th Congressional Election (Nov. 4, 2006)
Chemtrails: "What can I do about it? " (Nov. 4, 2006)
UK Reader Cites Propaganda Fallout (Oct. 22, 2006)
Verifies Orgone Tower Busters (TB) Effective in Cleaning Air (Oct. 19, 2006)
Croft on Carnicom Oct. 19, 2006
New Zealand Sylphs And Cell Phone Towers (Oct. 19, 2006)
Shawn Hits One Out of the Ballpark (Oct. 17, 2006)
Assessing Barbara Hartwell & Ted Gunderson (Oct. 16, 2006)
Orthodox Medicine Has Failed Us (Oct. 16, 2006)
"Dear Mindless Flag Waver" (Oct. 16, 2006)
Some Suggestions for the October 17, 2006 Cosmic Trigger Event (Oct. 13, 2006)
A Note Worth Reading (Oct. 13, 2006)
An Inquiry from Tom Synder (Oct. 13, 2006)
Wants to Get Out the Word on the NWO Takeover Agenda (Oct. 13, 2006)
16 Year Old Australian Girl Worries About North Korean Nuclear Test (Oct. 13, 2006)
Of Amatakh Stanford, Seth, Ramtha, & the New Age Movement (Oct. 11, 2006)
Interview at the "Wall" (Oct. 11, 2006)
The October 11, 2006 New York City Building Plane Crash (Oct. 11, 2006)
Jed Schlackman & the Right Honorable Stewart Anthony Webb (Oct. 9, 2006)
British Columbians: Stop the Government from Selling Off Public Assets! (Oct. 9, 2006)
We script our lives before we're born...? (Oct. 7, 2006)
The U.K.'s Oracle of Delphi (re. Ted Gunderson, Part II) Oct. 6, 2006
B-2611 & The Fat Drunk from Massachusetts (Oct. 6, 2006)
Concerned Parent (Oct. 4, 2006)
Rosie's Prediction--Invasion of US by China/Russia (Oct. 3, 2006)
The King James Bible (Oct. 3, 2006)
"BTW....I saw an article ..." (re. Barbara Hartwell) Oct. 3, 2006)
Incorporated Religion (Oct. 2, 2006)
A Zionist By Any Other Name (Sep. 30, 2006)
Fed Up with Discovery Channel Propaganda on JFK Assassination (Sep. 21, 2006)
Ancient Prehistoric Wisdom (1941) & Fundamentalist Brain Washers (Sep. 20, 2006)
Chemtrails in Finger Lakes, New York and the E-coli Outbreak (Sep. 16, 2006)
Wait a minute, ... (Rebuttal re. Illegal Immigration Sep. 15, 2006)
Slightly Dumb E-Mail Campaign to Raise Awareness about Gang Stalking (Sep. 15, 2006)
"What's up with this?" (Sep. 13, 2006)
How to Stop the NWO and Save America! (Sep. 13, 2006)
Illegal Immigration (Sep. 13, 2006)
Kansas Man Killed by Police Tasers, Family Claim Cover-Up (Sep. 9, 2006)
Robert Ghostwolf: What think You? (Sep. 9, 2006)
Flocco, Webb, and Ted (Sep. 9, 2006)
The Folly of Repeated Surgery and Disease Control (Sep. 6, 2006)
Suggesting targets for your intent (Aug. 30, 2006)
The Credentials Game (Aug. 29, 2006)
British Occult Influences & Caribbean People (Aug. 28, 2006)
The Gentle Wind Project (Aug. 28, 2006)
Letter about being a Born Again Christian (Aug. 27, 2006)
High Hopes for Alternative Treament & Training Centers-Worldwide! (Aug. 26, 2006)
Focused Intent Creates Reality (Aug. 24, 2006)
The Beatles , Societal Decay, & Jon Bennet (Aug. 24, 2006)
An Inconvenient Truth (Aug. 24, 2006)
Chemtrails Seen in Music Video (Aug. 24, 2006)
Aren't Those Responsible for Chemtrails Worried About Their Families? (Aug. 15, 2006)
'Semper Fidelis' and Brainwashed (July 16, 2006)
Comments from a Military Recruiter (July 15, 2006)
Atlantis Remembered (July 15, 2006)
... And Now Back to the Christian Side of the Wash (July 10, 2006)
British Anti-War Group Adopts White Armband as Symbol of Solidarity (July 10, 2006)
A Clarification from The Chief Minister, Ministries Of Humanitarian Council (July 9, 2006)
A Few Words from The Glib Skeptic (July 8, 2006)
Re. Morgellon's Disease, An Introduction to Heilkunst (July 7, 2006)
General Gratitude (July 7, 2006)
Ken Lay, Did He Really Die? (July 7, 2006)
Space Pearl Harbor? (July 7, 2006)
Upset British Ecologist Questions Exposure of 'Peak Oil' Scam (July 7 2006)
The Project Blue Beam/British Israel Brain Wash from the Islamic Side (July 5, 2006)
A Homotonic Treatment for Morgellons? (July 4, 2006)
Perpetual Motion Device (July 4, 2006)
The Bird Flu Rocky Horror Show (July 3, 2006)
Thoughts on the Joe Cell (July 2, 2006)
Worried About 'Alleged Terrorist Plot' Posted at (June 25, 2006)
Bird Flu Hype Shaking Up the Locals in Kentucky (June 23, 2006)
Brian From Australia & Electrolyte Questions on the Joe Cell (June 17, 2006)
David Sadler Has Some Questions on the Joe Cell (June 17, 2006)
The Succor Punch & Psychotronics Defense (June 12, 2006)
Inquiry About Henry Makow (June 12, 2006)
Inquiry About Andy Pero (June 10, 2006)
French Reader Seeks Answers on Zinc Compounds (June 10, 2006)
David Icke Books at Bookstores (June 9, 2006)
Another Inquiry About White Powder Gold (Monoatomic Gold) June 7, 2006
"Unfortunately a 2 hour exploration of your site has left me rather unconvinced" (June 6, 2006)
'Drakos Reptilians' & Underground Bases (June 6, 2006)
'Stratospheric Ice Dust', a Different Perspective on Chemtrails? (June 6, 2006)
A Pharisee By Any Other Name, Unmasking Christian Hypocrisy in Greenville, SC (May 16, 2006)
Memo on Slats Grobnik (May 14, 2006)
Blind Man Walking (May 7, 2006)
Supportive Comments on Alien Insights (May 6, 2006)
The Asteroids Are Coming! The Asteroids Are Coming! (May 5, 2006)
A Sylph Encounter of the Fourth Kind? (May 5, 2005)
Programming Victim Addresses Violence (May 2, 2006)
Questioning U.S. Sovereignty (May 2, 2006)
Are Chemtrails Abating? (April 30, 2006)
Comments on China Tyranny (April 27, 2006)
Where's the Missing Sylphs Over San Francisco Article? (April 27, 2006)
Artificial Lightening Bolts Seen Around Edwards Air Force Base, Fresno, California (April 27, 2006)
Danish Weather ( April 27, 2006)
Rediscovering Hope (April 26, 2006)
"...and of course leave no identifying info" (April 24, 2006)
Picking Off Kids: The Criminal Dosing of Children with Antipsychotic Drugs (April 24, 2006)
The Dan Rather Stalker Who Settled for a Stage Hand (April 24, 2006)
A Tale of Two Sisters (Children of Mind Control Programming) April 24, 2006
Written By Billy Chapdelaine; Edited By Ben Rydlund (April 1, 2006)
Visions of Ying/Yang & A Strange Wind (March 24, 2006)
"Be Careful What You Say" (March 22, 2006)
Three Year Old Confirms Planet "Aeron" Reported by Authors of Alien Insights (Feb. 26, 2006)
The Power of Words (Feb. 26, 2006)
In Defense of Henry Makow and His Disapproval of Homosexuality (Feb. 20, 2006)
Amitakh Stanford & The Bloodlines of Sir Laurence Gardner (Feb. 7, 2006)
A Quick Note from Bielzebub Satan, Satan (The Devil), & The Goat of Mendez 666 (Feb. 4, 2006)
Light & Illusion (Jan. 30, 2006)
Are You Crazy or What? (Jan. 30, 2006)
Henry Makow Critic Launches Withering Expose (Jan. 28, 2006)
The MacDonald Case & Ted Gunderson-Shilling for the Prosecution: Brian's Story (Jan. 25, 2006)
The View from Germany-Impressions from Hamburg (Jan. 25, 2006)
Sylphs and Chemtrails In Orange County, Californnia: Jan. 13, 2006 (Jan. 20, 2006)
Correspondence with an Ingrate: The 1_2 Punch (Jan. 20, 2006)
"I don't want to be on the 'round 'em up' list..." (Jan. 3, 2006)
2005 Letters
Another Deluded Victim of Allopathic, Western Medicine
Chappatti with Ghee (Nov. 9, 2005)
"Don't Worry.. BE Happy" (Laaaa, la, la, lal, la la..) (Nov. 5, 2005)
Believe in Yourself (Oct. 28, 2005)
Lead Based Paint (Oct. 28, 2005)
Fighting the NWO Through Elective Office (Oct. 22, 2005)
Vortex Centers in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania (Oct. 21, 2005)
Positive & Negative-Letter on Alien Encounters (Oc. 21, 2005)
Alien Insights (Oct. 20, 2005)
The Price of Awakening? A Chemtrail Report from Trieste, Northern Adriatic (Oct. 18, 2005)
Morgellons 'Disease' and Chemtrails (Oct. 16, 2005)
Cancer, Dr. Hulda Clark, Jug Head, and Me, A Tale of Perception (Oct. 14, 2005)
Haughty and Arrogant (Oct. 12, 2005)
Info for the CS Page (Oct. 10, 2005)
Letter from Betty at MacPharma, Your Network Pharma 'Portal' (Sep. 28, 2005)
Piercing the Veil-Acquiring Sight Within the Matrix (Sep. 26, 2005)
UK Engineer Urges Joe Cell 'Warning' or "better still remove it altogether" (Sep. 25, 2005)
Brother Was Never The Same After Vietnam (Sep. 23, 2005)
The NWO and Canada (Sep. 23, 2005)
Comment on; "The Few, The Proud, The Psychotic" (Sep. 19, 2005)
Insights on Zeta Reticulans and other Gray Alien Groups (Sep. 16, 2005)
Letters From Annie Apple's Mom (and Annie Apple) (Sep. 15, 2005)
Footnote to the Editor on the Katrina/Government Incompetent Spin Story (Sep. 12, 2005)
Ozonated olive oil (Sep. 11, 2005)
"I thought you were more mature type" (Sep. 10, 2005)
Amy Goodman and The Rockefeller Foundation (Sep. 6, 2005)
Blinded with Vision (Sep. 5, 2005)
"your really either a fraud or ignorant" (Sep. 5, 2005)
Pharma Website Anxious to Link with Anti-Pharma Website (Sep. 1, 2005)
Mr. Adachi, Are You a Born-Again Christian? (Aug. 29, 2005)
Tale from the Twilight Zone or Shadow of the Philadelphia Experiment? (Aug. 21, 2005)A Few Words on Bible-believing Christians and the Bible (Aug. 21, 2005)
RE: Mono Atomic Gold -Think Twice (Aug. 18, 2005)
Today's Helpful Pharmacist (Aug. 18, 2005)
Debunking Al Bielek (Aug. 16, 2005)
Sylphs Over Brea, California -May 1, 2005 (Aug. 15, 2005)
Something Fishy in the Air (Aug. 14, 2005)
More on the End Times Deception (Aug. 11, 2005)
Reader Feedback: British Israel & End Times Deception (Aug. 10, 2005)
911 and Psychotronics (Aug. 6, 2005)
Swedish Reader Dumps on Catholic Church & Defends Illuminati (Aug. 3, 2005)
The American Cancer Society: Insider Resigns in Protest (July 12, 2005)
Commentary from an Englishman on the London Bombings (July 9, 2005)
The Coming Apocalypse (July 5, 2005)
Interesting Dream (May 29, 2005)
The Coming China/Russia Invasion of the United States (May 27, 2005)
Respond to Mose's Letters: The Reality of Mind Control Victimization in America (May 27, 2005)
Aerogel & Chemtrail Nanotechnology (May 27, 2005)
Chemtrails in Australia (May 24, 2005)
Black Beam Projected from Chemtrail Spew Plane? (May 23, 2005)
Lesbian Crime Cover-Up & Russia-China Attack on America (May 22, 2005)
Is Mircrosoft Promoting the Reptilian Image in the U.K.? (May 19, 2005) Working for Big Brother? (May 11, 2005)
Lauren Stratford 'Observations' (May 5, 2005)
Dowsing on American Holocaust (May 3, 2005)
The Poor Man's Zapper for 'Incurable' Diseases: Could It Be as Close as Your Car? (Apr. 27, 2005)
They Stole My Grandson (Apr. 19, 2005)
Waiting to Receive Happiness, Wanting to Have Love (Apr. 19, 2005)
The Power of Thought and Making Money (Apr. 19, 2005)
'Doctor' Stephen Barrett and 'Quackwatch' (And a Bit of Jim Phelps) Apr. 17, 2005
Can Humans Influence the Dispersion of Chemtrails? ( Apr. 16, 2005)
Slyphs & Chemtrails, Kim Hits a Homerun! (Apr.16, 2005)
Peak Oil Believer Anxious to Shoot Down Dave McGowan: Only Problem? No Bullets (Apr. 15, 2005)
'Jim Phelps' and His 'Chemtrails Overview' (Apr. 15, 2005)
Sanity: The Conspiracy to Deny God and Other Observations (Apr. 10, 2005)
Questions for Barbara Hartwell From Todd B. Fahey (regarding libel and perjury) Apr. 9, 2005
Comments on the Pope & 'Little Things' by Philip Ledoux (Apr. 9, 2005)
Overcoming Vaccine Propaganda (Apr. 6, 2005)
Mary-Sue Responds to John Kaminski's Article (Apr. 5, 2005)
Note to John Kaminski About Circumsized Jews (Apr. 5, 2005)
Playing With the Wrong Crowd (Apr. 4, 2005)
Orgone Generators, Teen Self-Mutilation, & Overly-Bright Traffic Lights (Apr. 4, 2005)
Missouri Sighting Makes Joe a Believer in Sylphs (Apr. 2, 2005)
Billy Graham Exposed (Apr. 1, 2005)
What else can we do to stop the war in Iraq (Mar. 31, 2005)
Is Christianity the Way to Go? (Mar. 31, 2005)
The Yogi Footballer, a New Novel By Simon Robinson (Mar. 31, 2005)
Slowly Coming Up to Speed on Mind Control and the NWO Agenda (except ref. the Beatles) Mar. 31, 2005
What else can we do to stop the war in Iraq (Mar. 30, 2005)
Concerning Terri Schiavo (Mar. 30, 2005)
Awakening from the 'Ruppert Effect' (Mar. 30, 2005)
Not Worried About Gun control in America (Mar. 23, 2005)
The "Reppies", More Wholesome Fun From Those 'Good Folks' at TBN (Mar. 21, 2005)
In Jesus' Name: A Message for Easter in 2005 (Mar. 21, 2005)
Orgonite Fabricator Reports Relief from Psychic and Psychotronic Attacks (Mar. 21, 2005)
Mother Pleads for Help (Mar. 19, 2005)
Fiery E-Mails from A Fundamentalist Hothead (Mar. 18, 2005)
Looking for Cures in All the Wrong Places (Mar. 13, 2005)
Befuddled Psychotronics Victim (Mar. 13, 2005)
Orgone Warrior Reports Chemtrail Buster Success Over Connecticut Skies (Mar. 12, 2005)
The Truth About the Recently Beached Dolphins (Mar. 11, 2005)
B.S. From a Controlled Mind? (Mar. 4, 2005)
Letters From Moses: The Reality of Mind Control Victimization in America (Mar. 1, 2005)New World Order Genocide Skeptic (Mar. 1, 2005)
Victim of Mind Control Experiments in Houston Hospital, 1974 (Feb. 18, 2005)
Conversation With a Twit (Feb. 18, 2005)
Letter from Slovakia (Feb. 15, 2005)
Sylphs Over Southeast Pennsylvania Feb. 8, 2005
The Satanic "X" (Feb. 6, 2005)
A Few Peripheral Pearls from an Anonymous Authority (Jan. 29, 2005)
Chemtrails Over Lamont, Michigan (Jan. 28, 2005)
Colloidal Silver (Jan. 27, 2005)
Contrarian Curiosity & The Satanic Tag (Jan. 18, 2005)
A Thumbnail Tutorial on Dr. Huld
a Clark & The Amazing CS/H2O2 Nasal Sprayer (Jan. 17, 2005)
2004 Letters
The "Bird flu" Cover Story (Dec. 30, 2004)
Remote Viewing and Stewart Swerdlow (Dec. 23, 2004)
'Time Tunnel' Programming (Dec. 13, 2004)
Totally Nuts or Completely True (Dec. 12, 2004)
Confronting Satan: Be Wise as a Serpent (Dec. 10, 2004)
Chemtrails & Water Vapor Tales (Nov. 27, 2004)
Contradicting Views (Nov. 27, 2004)
The Current "Flu Epidemic" (Nov. 21, 2004)
Asking for Assistance with Approval of Higher Self (Nov. 16, 2004)
Letter From Suzy: More Than Orgone (Nov. 16, 2004)
Three Sylphs on Guard (Nov. 15, 2004)
Atlanta Smothered in Chemtrails Over Veterans Holiday Weekend (Nov. 14, 2004)
Victim of Psychotronics Seeks Help (Nov. 12, 2004)
Gifting Orgonite, Letter to Mum (Nov. 7, 2004)
Universal Law, Application to Everyday Life (Nov. 5, 2004)
Linda Newkirk and Stew Webb Wowing Them in South Africa! (Nov. 4, 2004)
This is Beautiful, I Am Enlightened (Nov. 3, 2004)
The Land of Pod People & Visions of War in America (Oct. 29, 2004)
Letter from a Bangladeshi Teen Living in the United Arab Emirate (Oct. 28, 2004)
To Whom I Can Help (Oct. 28, 2004)
It's Montauk not MonTALK (Oct. 28, 2004)
The Benefits of Vaccines & A Danger to Society? (Oct. 27, 2004)
Sylphs Over Finger Lakes, New York
Re. Latest from Don Croft (Oct. 24, 2004)
Florida Now Requires Tracking & ID of Vaccine Exempt Students (Oct. 22, 2004)
Letter from Belgrade (Oct. 21, 2004)
Freedom of Knowledge? (Oct. 21, 2004)
The Destructive Agenda of the New World Order (Oct. 20, 2004)
Commentary on The Protocols of Sion (Oct. 19, 2004)
Chemtrails, "It's as imple as that!" (Oct. 19, 2004)
Chemtrails Over Bangkok (Oct. 17, 2004)
Laura Discovers Chemtrails (Oct. 16, 2004)
NASA's Chemtrail/Contrail Con Job (Oct. 13, 2004)
2004 U.S. Election, An Illuminati Experiment (Oct 8, 2004)
Personal Event - with Sylph? (Oct. 8, 2004)
The Draft: "It's the Democrats" (Oct. 4, 2004)
Love & Light People (Sep. 30, 2004)
Sylphs Over Finger Lakes, New York (Sep. 29, 2004)
The Dark Side of the KP Yohannan & Gospel for Asia, Inc. (Sep. 26, 2004)
Curbing Attorneys (Sep. 21, 2004)
Sept. 27 and Nov. 11, 2004: The Next Staged 'Terrorists' Attacks? (Sep. 21, 2004)
"Medievalism", New Name for an Old Game (Sep. 21, 2004)
Backward Flags & Zapper Results (Sep. 21, 2004)
Socialistic Solutions Are Not The Answer;Curbing Attorneys Is (Sep. 21, 2004)
Reader Response to Skeptic (Sep. 17, 2004)
Martial Law Coming on November 1? (Sep. 15, 2004)
Channeled Warning of Food Shortage (Sep. 15, 2004)
Backward Flags on U.S. Uniforms, Part 2 (Sep. 15, 2004)
Electronic Harassment (Sep. 14, 2004)
The Club of Rome, Chicken Hawks, and George Soros (Sep. 14, 2004)
Sylphs vs Chemtrails Over Southeastern Wisconsin (Sep. 13, 2004)
Truth: Anonymous Wants to Know (Sep. 13, 2004)
The Joe Cell and Hydrogen Gas (Sep. 13, 2004)
Stew Webb and Kansas City (Sep. 13, 2004)
The Ghost of Ray Bolger (Sep. 8, 2004)
Sacred Geometry Ideas for the HHg (Sep. 7, 2004)
Sylphs & Orgone Generators (Sep. 5, 2004)
Some Thoughts from Guy (Sep. 3, 2004)
Longing for Dialog; Can You Help? ( Sep. 1, 2004)
Mother Finds Answer For Dying Daughter's Cancer on Alternative Medicine Chat Board (Aug. 31, 2004)
Dear Sir/Madam: "If You so Smart, Why Ain't You Rich?" (August 28, 2004)
Holy Handgrenade (HHg)Testimonial (Aug. 25, 2004)
Report from London : Chemtrails, Microwave Towers & Strange Weather (Aug. 23, 2004)
British Officer Stuns Former Schoolmate with Attack Dog Mentality (Aug. 21 2004)
AOL and Big Brother Monitoring: What to do? (Aug. 18, 2004)
Sylphs Reported Over San Diego, California (Aug. 17, 2004)
Skepticism: "That's All" (Aug. 17, 2004)
S.O.S. From New Zealand (Aug. 17, 2004)
The View fom Holland (Aug. 16, 2004)
A Story of Forgiveness (Aug. 2, 2004)
The Truth Is The Truth (July 22, 2004)
Ed Dame's Latest (July 18, 2004)
Alien Invasion Herald? (July 18, 2004)
Wal-Mart & Target Trucks Hauling More than Sugar and Detergents? (July 16, 2004)
A Puzzle Wrapped in an Egnima from Delamer Duverus (July 15, 2004)
Heavy Chemtrail Spraying over the Western Coastal Range of Canada (July 15, 2004)
Fahrenheit 911: Inadvertent Mindwash (July 10, 2004)
The Aliens Are Coming! The Aliens Are Coming! Show to Begin This Year? July 10, 2004)
Army Recruiter Confrims Draft Coming in March 2005 (July 9, 2004)
A Fundamental Point of View (July 8, 2004)
Re. Backward Flags on U.S. Uniforms (July 5, 2004)
You False Assumptions (June 28, 2004)
Sylph Contradiction? (June 27, 2004)
Re: Breaking Big Brother, A Note from Michael (June 25, 2004)
Searching for Ken Adachi (June 24, 2004)
Dublin's 'Millenium Spike' (June 24, 2004)
Existing Community-Created Currency, Salt Spring Island, Canada (June 24, 2004)
Matthew Claptrap (June 23, 2004)
Seeing Vibrations (June 20, 2004)
Emerging Diseases Caused by Pollutants? (June 17, 2004)
My Mother's Disease [ALS] (June 15, 2004)
Is This a Setup? (June 14, 2004)
João de Deus of Brazil (June 12, 2004)
Strange Blue Light? (June 12, 2004)
Your Website Is My Home Page (June 8, 2004)
PBS, Frontline, and the 'History' of Jesus (June 4, 2004)
Ken, What Do You Believe? (May 28, 2004)
Can They Do This? Texas School Nurse forces 16 year old girl to be vaccinated (May 26, 2004)
Sheldan Nidle's Response to the Mexican UFO Story (May 26, 2004)
The Skeptic's Dictionary Online (May 21, 2004)
The Moron & the Brother-in-Law (May 20, 2004)
Regarding Chemtrail Naysayers (May 17, 2004)
Web Site Supporting One World Government? (May 11, 2004)
Brice Taylor Commentary (May 3, 2004)
Incorrect information in 9/11 article (May 3, 2004)
Visual Ray Revisited (Apr. 28, 2004)
The Fatal Flaw? (Apr. 22, 2004)
New World Order Incorrectness (Apr. 22, 2004)
Info on Chelation Therapy (Apr. 17, 2004)
The Forces You Are Going Against Are Too Strong (Apr. 13, 2004)
Teenage Self Mutilation (Apr. 12, 2004)
The Problem Is Not Goverment Either (Apr. 10, 2004)
Agent Provocateur on Your Page? (April 1, 2004)
DARPA Neuroscience (March 28, 2004)
Joe X and Kerry Boy (Mar. 25, 2004)
Boioelectrification Ideas for Sinusitis (Mar. 19, 2004)
Form Letter for Skeptics Mar. 19, 2004)
Joe Cell Skeptic Encounters Donkey-in Mirror! (Mar. 18, 2004)
Australian Lightning Shows & Singapore Mall Tones (Mar. 18, 2004)
Awakening in Germany (Mar. 15, 2004)
Suspects Microwaves on Campus (Mar. 14, 2004)
Mind Control Trigger Words (Mar 14, 2004)
Letter from Eddie (Mar. 13, 2004)
Madrid Assassinations - Who Did It? (Mar. 13, 2004)
Aren't Chemtrails Also Poisoning the Secret Goverment Plotters? (Mar. 12, 2004)
Simple Simon Says (Mar. 6, 2004)
Defense of Ted Gunderson (Mar. 6, 2004)
A Fool's Paradise (Mar. 6, 2004)
Horsetail Plant for Cancer (Feb. 11, 2004)
Everything is Fine (Feb. 9, 2004)
Your Writers (you?) Should Educated Themselves (Yourself) (Jan. 29, 2004)
Cutting Through the Colloidal Silver Disinfo (Jan. 28, 2004)
Tennessee Cops Worried About Chemtrails, Looking to Croft Toys (Jan. 12, 2004)
Follow Up on "Little Tale of Discovery" (Jan. 12, 2004)
A Little Tale of Discovery (Jan. 8, 2004)
Quackery with Alternative Treatments? (Jan. 8, 2004)
Just My Thoughts (Jan. 8, 2004)
2003 Letters
Yet More on Sir Mark Phillips (Dec. 26, 2003)
I Have a Problem With an Article on Your Website (Dec. 25, 2003)
More on Mark Phillips & MC Personalities (Dec. 22, 2003)
Dr. Carley Offers Detoxification Help for Vaccine Damaged Children (Dec. 22, 2003)
Mark & Cathy Phillips, Foremost Authorities? (Dec. 22, 2003)
In Support of Don Croft (Dec. 19, 2003)
Questions and No Answers (from a 14 year old American boy Dec. 18, 2003)
Educate, and you Liberate! (Dec. 6, 2003)
Operation: IRAQ FREEDOM (Dec. 6, 2003)
Vodka, Oranges, & Hair Follicles (Dec. 6, 2003)
A Tale of Two Ships (Dec. 6, 2003)
The Same Health Area? (Oct. 26, 2003)
Brief Conversation with a Skeptic (Oct. 19, 2003)
911 Flight Data Recorders (Oct. 12, 2003)
The Etymology of Realization (Sep. 30, 2003)
Dear Ken Adachi (Sep. 20, 2003)
Slander of Your Website Name (Sep. 10, 2003)
Serious Business (Aug. 23, 2003)
Interesting Reading, But..(Aug. 10, 2003)
Six Words for Troublemakers (July 10, 2003)
Dreams of Gloom & Doom (June 18, 2003)
A Study in Oxymoronic Irony (June 16, 2003)
Where Are the Missing Advertures? (June 12, 2003)
Hope You're Not Part of the Fraud (June 5, 2003)
Chemtrails & Chembusters (June 2, 2003)
"You obviously have no knowledge on how a cell phone works" (May 29, 2003)
Believe There Is Something Good Out There (May 24, 2003)
AT 85 YRS. I'M NOT TOO TECHIE (May 24, 2003)
Is all this stuff for real? (May 24, 2003)
Too Many Lies, LIES, LIES (May 24, 2003)
Enjoy Your Belief System (May 23, 2003)
Re. Jeff Rense, Chembusters, & NESARA (May 23, 2003)
It's Just Around The Corner (May 23, 2003)
Dear Crazy, misguided, disgruntled, pot-smoking freak (May 22, 2003)
Take me off please (May 22, 2003)
Anecdotal Research (May 22, 2003)
Letter From Janos Re. Zetas & Planet X (May 17, 2003)
What Is The Solution? (May 15, 2003)
Tone Generator Can be Used for Rife Therapy (May 7, 2003)
Is the 12th Planet Near? (May 7, 2003)
Worried About Planet X ? (May 7, 2003)
Ontario Justice Quackwatch Fan (April 19, 2003)
What About Bob? (April 19, 2003)
Trying to Help SRA Victims (April 6, 2003)
Pawns in The Game (April 4, 2003)
Give Me a War...(Mar. 23, 2003)
A Letter From 'Hannibal' Hanson (Jan. 31, 2003)
"God is with us, we will bury you!" (Jan. 25, 2003)
Sleepers Awakening (Bach Would Be Proud) (Jan. 16, 2003)
A Brief Chat with Mr. X X (Obviously) (Jan. 16, 2003)No Response Necessary (Jan. 12, 2003)
Validation of Statement Please (Jan. 12, 2003)
'No War' E-mail Petitions (Jan. 12, 2003)
Making Money Off Pre-Knowledge (Jan. 11, 2003)
Divide and Conquer (Jan. 4, 2003)
Suspicious of Ted Gunderson #2 (Jan. 1, 2003)
2002 Letters
The Primary Concern (Dec. 30, 2002)
Polycythemia Vera (Dec. 30, 2002)
Good Job (Dec. 30, 2002)
Suspicious of Ted Gunderson (Dec. 12, 2002)
Inside Information on The Report To The Club of Rome 1972 (Dec. 1, 2004)The View From Holland by Paul 0etelaer (Nov. 19, 2002)
Book Worm Gripes (Nov. 19, 2002)
Confused As To What To Do Next (Nov. 13, 2002)
Facts, Not Rhetoric (Nov. 5, 2002)
You're LOST, and on Your Way to a Real and Hot HELL! (Oct. 30, 2002)
A Letter From Rosie on The Reptilians (Oct. 29, 2002)
More on the 'End Times Terminal Madness' Guy (Oct, 29, 2002)
Another Question (Oct. 22, 2002)
Channeler Seeks Opinion on Chemtrails (Oct. 15, 2002)
Your Apparent Lack of Professionalism (Oct. 14, 2002)
East Coast Sniper, Part 1 (Oct 12, 2002)
Orgonizing in Vancouver, B.C. (Oct. 12, 2002)
Waterfuel Project (Oct. 12, 2002)
Your Credentials? (Oct 11, 2002)
Close Encounters of the Reptilian Kind (Oct. 12, 2002)
My letter to Oprah by Annie Basile (Oct. 9, 2002)
Blue Senator ? Part 1 (Oct. 9. 2002)
Blue Senator ? Part 2 (Oct. 9. 2002)
I Just Want the Truth (About Colloidal Silver) (Oct. 8, 2002)
Asthma Relief Using Natural Therapies (Oct. 6, 2002)
German Doctor Appeals for On Line Petition to Stop Iraq War (Oct. 4, 2002)
Confusing Conflicts of the Religious Type (Oct. 3, 2002)
Why I No Longer File a Federal Income Tax Return (Sept. 30, 2002)
From Skeptic to Student: Conversations with Jaka (Sept. 14, 2002)
Clairvoyant Vision of Middle East Nuclear Nightmare in 2005 (Sept. 5, 2002)
A Letter From Anja Concerning the E-Y Chat Forum (Sept. 4, 2002)
The Best Things in Life Are Usually Simple and Inexpensive (Sept. 2, 2002)
Another Skeptic (August 16, 2002)
Wrestling Fan are U? (August 13, 2002)
Anonymous Debunker of Al Bielek Launches Gas Attack (August 10, 2002)
Golden Ratio Holy Handgrenade (HHg) Construction (August 5, 2002)
Breakdown Techniques (August 3, 2002)
New Zealand Letter (July 25. 2002)
Stop Worrying. It's a Play (July 24, 2002)
A Few Comments on the 'End Times Terminal Madness' Guy (July 23, 2002)
Saving Florida Earthworms (July 21, 2002)
So Why Hasn't This Been on 60 Minutes? (July 21, 2002)
Chemtrail 'Conspiracy' Solved! (July 18, 2002)
A Question From Sweet Aazzz (July 18, 2002)
Killing Spiritual Connections (July 15, 2002)
My Husband Thinks I'm Crazy (July 11, 2002)
The Tyranny of Ron Garon (July 6, 2002)
Research, Research, Research (July 3, 2002)
I Thought That Was What I Paid For? (June 28, 2002)
Who are you and why did you send me this? (June 16, 2002)
Israel and the 9-11 Cover-Up (June 12, 2002)
The Visual Ray & Ed or The Skeptic Who Came in Halfway from the Cold (June 12, 2002)
How Can I Help Awaken/Educate More People? [RE: Chemtrails] (May 25, 2002)
What Religion Would You Say You Believe In? (May 25, 2002)
A Few 'Corrections' from Wes Thomas (May 12, 2002)
Medical Insurance (May 11, 2002)
Hard to Believe (May 11, 2002)
Another Joe Cell Skeptic (May 10, 2002)
Where Is Your Referencing? (May 5, 2002)
Dear Brother, (April 26, 2002)
Nancy Leider of ZetaTalk (April 12, 2002)
US Government Emulating Nazi Germany (April 3, 2002)
MS Patient Only Worsened After 10 Years of Orthodoxy (Mar. 24, 2002)
Worried About Planet X (Mar. 7, 2002)
How Accurate are Nancy's Predictions on Planet X? (Mar. 7, 2002)
Post Office to Charge 5 cents for E Mails? (Feb. 24, 2002)
Any Update on Nibiru (12th Planet or Planet "X" ? (Feb. 21, 2002)
How will I know? (Feb. 19, 2002)
Should Citizens Disarm Themselves? (Feb.18, 2002)
From the Desk of: DR. RAYMOND UZOR (Feb. 9, 2002)
Thoughts on Healing Emphysema (Feb. 6, 2002)
Why aren't Timestream warning us of the NWO? (Feb. 2, 2002)
Are you Really an Insane Idiot? (Feb. 5, 2002)
Looking for Sources of "Claims" for NWO (Jan. 22, 2002)
Are You a Zeta? (Jan. 20, 2002)
A Question from "Stormrider" Jan 13, 2002
2001 Letters
A Skeptical Note (Nov. 25, 2001)
Worried About Vaccine Preservatives (Oct. 23, 2001)
Looking for Trust in All the Wrong Places (Oct. 6, 2001)
UK Father Worries for his Family's Safety (Oct. 4, 2001)
A Matter of Survival (Oct. 4, 2001)
So What's Wrong with Walking for The American Cancer Society? (Oct. 4, 2001)
A Tale of Mail, The Dorian Gray Portrait of Eugene P. Tang (Sept. 30, 2001)
American NWO Needs More Enslavement Tools (Sept. 28, 2001)
A Message From Paul Pelon, Sept. 17, 2001
An Emotionally Charged, Coarse Rant (August 19, 2001)
Re: Coming Attractions (August 19, 2001)
Does the Joe Cell Really Work? (August 13, 2001)
Why Haven't You Told President Bush About Free Energy? (July 23, 2001)
Root Canal & Prostate Cancer Questions (June 14, 2001)
19 Year old Woman with Spreading Cancer (May 11, 2001)
And Now... Will the Real Marilena Salpetrin Stand Up Please! (Mar 28, 2001)
Registered Nurse Fighting Sarcoma Cancer Tells Her Story (Mar 19, 2001)
The Mysterious "FE" Device ( Mar 12, 2001)
Preparing in Canada (Mar 10, 2001)
Does Colloidal Silver Live up to Its Claim? (Feb 27, 2001)
NWO Skeptic Requires Emperical Proof (Feb 12, 2001)
2000 Letters
A Letter From Karen (Dec 3, 2000)
Herb Seller Dislikes Unsigned E Mails Too. (Nov 25, 2000)
The Joe Cell in So. Africa: "If you so Smart, Why Ain't you Rich?" (Nov 20, 2000)
The Joe Energy Cell: Where's the Beef? (Nov 20, 2000)
Former War Vet Knows the Score (Nov 19, 2000)
Of Reich, Bions, and Carrots (Nov 18, 2000)
Three Minute Techniques (Nov 18, 2000)
Becoming Aware, Holding the Focus
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All information posted on this web site is the opinion of the author and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Consult the healer of your choice for medical care and advice. |